Chapter 5

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"We've arrived, sir," Ben said.

"Thank you, Ben," I replied, as I was still finding courage to ask Alicia to come with me. My heart was running a marathon, or so it seemed.

- "Thanks for the night. It has been very nice." Alicia said. I felt I was running out of time.

"I have one last experience to give you, Alicia. May I show you my room?" I asked. I hoped my voice didn't betray the shaking of my body. The excitement was unbearable.

- "Experience?"

"Yes, experience. A room like that you don't just visit. You experience it."

- "I have never seen such rooms."

"Then I think it's highly time you get to see one for yourself." I became desperate for an answer. It was incredibly hard to concentrate and not imagining her fulfilling my wishes, but I had to. I just had to hold on a little longer and then I could claim my reward.

- "I mean it's quite late already...I don't think it would hurt to make it even later."

I couldn't be any happier. Or hornier. Both were applicable at the same time.

"Very well then! Ben, you wait here?" I didn't want Alicia to know my intentions yet. Although she was probably guessing them right now, I didn't want to give her that certainty. I signaled Ben, trusting he would tie the dots once he noticed Alicia wasn't coming back. I made sure Alicia didn't see it.

We got out of the car and entered the lobby. The lobby was a large open room with a very high ceiling, with decorations and broad stairs at the sides. Alicia was gaping with an open mouth but I didn't care. I wanted to go to my room as fast as I could. My erection made my jeans too tight to comfortably walk. I wanted to take my belt off, to release the pressure, but I couldn't do that of course. We entered the elevator and I selected the sixth floor. The door closed and we were standing on opposite sides. We weren't saying anything as we were well beyond the small talk by now so instead we just looked around. Around the fourth floor I looked at her face. My eyes dwindled towards her red lips and shortly towards her breast. She suddenly also looked at me, causing my eyes to look up again, straight into her eyes. I was wondering whether she had seen me looking. We stared in each other's eyes for about a second or two, when the elevator reached the eleventh floor. She turned her head towards the doors, but not before I saw her eyes going down. I had no clue if she was merely looking at the floor to see where she was walking or if she checked my crotch. I was wondering whether my erection would be visible. I think the belt somewhat camouflaged the bulge, but it definitely wouldn't be impossible to notice it. We entered the hallway and arrived shortly after at my room, number nine, which was on the end of the hallway. I took out my wallet and opened the door with my badge. Alicia was now inside my room. I was done waiting. I wanted to jump her, now. But I couldn't. I had to patiently wait, like a predator watching its prey. I saw my prey entering my lair, and I followed her carefully. I looked down and looked at her butt once more. I saw it elegantly wiggling from the high heels she was wearing. Her jeans was tight, making it quite easy to imagine her cheeks naked. They were big. There definitely was a lot of surface for me to slap on.

She looked around. She gazed at the wooden decorations and at the surprisingly large room. Above she saw a giant crystal chandelier and in the middle she laid her eye upon my king-size bed. This was actually a two-persons room, as these kind of chambers aren't that common for a single person. It would be way to expensive. She breathed the air, which was quite warm, and smelled it's sweet scent. She looked at every tiny detail, but I couldn't keep my eyes away from her magnificent body.

"This indeed is a quite remarkable room. How much does this even costs?"

- "I genuinely have no clue" I replied. "It's the company who is booking my rooms, not me. But before you draw any conclusions, wait till you have seen the bathroom!"

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