Imagine a guy so kind, a smile melts your heart. Imagine a boy so perfect, even his fears don't change your perspective. Imagine a boy so mesmerizing, the girls practically drool when he walks by. Now imagine his name being Cedric Diggory. Now, stop imagining because he's real, and he's my boyfriend.
"Y/N," Cedric pleads, pulling my arm.
I laugh. "What Cedric?"
"Come outside with me, please! It's snowing," he begs.
I sigh, dropping my book. "You sure are persistent, Diggory."
I stand, looping my arm through his. He guides me through the halls, and when the cold air hits my face I know we've made it.
Cedric opens the door, and I give him a nod as I pass.
A thick blanket of snow covers the ground, creating the illusion that the Earth beneath it is warm.
"Here," Cedric says, wrapping a jacket around my arms from behind.
I pull his arms closer, feeling the warmth of his breath against my cheek. "It's gorgeous, Ced," I say.
"Just like you, Y/N," he replies, kissing my cheek.
Warmth spreads throughout my body, starting where he kissed my cheek, spreading to my arms and legs. This moment is like no other. This moment I will cherish every day for the rest of my life, because the silence speaks paragraphs.
His arms around me with provide a sense of comfort like no other, and I can't imagine being in love with anyone else.