cedric diggory

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"Scared Potter? Think your brother is going lose the tournament?" Draco spits as he pushes past the fourth years.

"No, in fact I think he's going to win. But if your name was entered into the Goblet of Fire, you would have wet your pants," I chuckle.

Rolling his eyes, he says, "I'm sure you're jealous your brother gets all the attention. What a pity to be the forgotten child, when your brother was the boy who lived." He walks away before I can reply, and honestly I don't know what I could've said. It's not like he isn't right.

I shake my head, staring a few feet in front of me when someone walks beside me. "Cheer up, Hufflepuff!" Cedric's cheery voice chides.

I frown, turning to look at his face. "I hate Malfoy," I murmur.

He takes my hand, "Come on, I need to show you something."

Cedric leads me back into the castle and into the Great Hall, where students are gathering for dinner. He sits, then spreads out a sheet of paper on the table. I study it closely, not quite understanding.

"I don't follow."

He points to the first words. "Well, since your brother helped me with the first task, I've been looking for more answers to the egg task. I have some ideas, but I need to test them first. If it works, I'll tell Potter."

I smile to myself. He's sweet, he really is. "Cedric, that's so sweet of you. I'm sure Harry will really appreciate it."

He gives me his gorgeous smile. "Also Y/N, I have something I've been meaning to ask you."

I tilt my head slightly and he continues.

"Would you like to attend the ball with me?" Cedric asks, his eyes searching mine for an answer.

"I'd be delighted," I respond, squeezing his hand tightly.

Malfoy will judge me for this too, but secretly I'm rooting for Cedric to win the tournament. I'm his Hufflepuff, and I support him through thick and thin. And maybe I shouldn't say things like that against my own brother, but Cedric is my school family, and I want glory for him too.

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