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Hello everyone! How's your early 2021? 

Jadi, sebelumnya aku mau bilang makasih buat yang masih baca work ini padahal udah lama nggak aku revisi dan akunya juga udah lama banget ga megang wattpad lagi haha tapi aku punya rencana tahun ini buat masuk lagi ke dunia wattpad yeaay.

Nah karena itu, dalam rangka aku masuk lagi ke dunia wattpad, aku mau nanya nih ke kalian semua, apakah ada dari kalian yang tertarik buat baca salah satu cerita di bawah ini? Kalau iya, boleh comment di tempat yang udah aku kasih ya.

Cast: NCT's Xiaojun, Lucas, Hendery, YangYang, Mark, Jeno, and Haechan.
Their role as medical students.
This story tells you about: How they can survive the zombie outbreak while going on vacation.
What will you have from this story: Maybe some medical info and excitement :D
Their goal(s): ofc to survive and looking for shelter to continue their life.

Patient zero.
Cast: Seventeen's Wonwoo and other protagonists.
His role as a medical student.
This story tells you about: How Wonwoo can survive the zombie outbreak and fulfill his mission.
What mission? See you soon!
What will you have from this story: Maybe some medical info and will fuck your emotions and feelings. 
His goal(s): I will tell you soon.

Please vote!

Vote for Sobreviver


Vote for Patient zero.

Will published in January 2021. (semoga huhu)

((Oh iya, btw flxsosej yang ada di poster itu uname twitter aku ya))

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