The Coup

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Ethan POV 

The night I found out who my father was.

I had been walking about the castle for what felt like ages but wasn't really. I then decided to go just go and confront the king. I mean if he was really our Father then why not tell us? Why not help us and not leave us a s servants? Was he really that bad so he would leave his kids to fend for themselves?

A million questions filtered through my head as I descended the steps and knocked on his door. To my surprise there was no security.

"Come in." said a tired voice as I opened up the door and marched inside. 

The King looked up smiling but had a confused look when his eyes landed on me. 

"Oh I thought you might be my daughter. Who are you?"

I marched up to his desk as he sat with a pen in his hand.

"I believe if my mother's letter to be correct I am your son."

The King sat his pen down and looked me over.

"Are you sure you aren't mistaken. I mean I don't think I have fathered any more children but....."

I didn't give him time to finish and instead interrupted him.

"Judith Mecado."

He stopped them and stood up. I expected him to throw me out. Hit me maybe. Tell me to never come back or speak of this. Maybe he would call the guards in and have me escorted to a cell.

Instead however he smiled.

"Ah Judith. I am sorry my boy. I had no idea. She never even said. Maybe I was ignorant to it. If you don't mind sitting down I could tell you a bit of a story. And in the end if you still hate me I would completely understand."

The King sat and then pointed to the seat across from him.


I sat and he clasped his hands together.

"I remember your Mother Judith. Quite fondly I might add. She was such a beautiful woman and when I first met her I fell madly in love. The kind they talk about in the fairy tales. The kind that every man and woman wants. A fine summer day I was at the market when I led my eyes on her as she was helping her Mother with the stall. They sold fruit and vegetables if I am mistaken. Yeah I would go every day since then to purchase something from there. Just to see Judith. I fell madly in love with her if I am being completely honest. I mean I probably did from the moment I met her. After a few visits I learned that the feeling was mutual."

He smiled sadly.

"So you really did love my Mother? It wasn't some other girl to you?"

"No. Of course not. Judith was never another girl. She was the girl. The one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. However fate had different ideas. Or my Father did anyway. He wanted an ally for our kingdom and wanted me to marry to seal the deal. I told him I couldn't but my Father was a miserable bastard. Wanted me to be exactly like him so when a neighbouring kingdom wanted their daughter wed I was matched. The marriage was quick and the next thing I knew I was on my way to officially becoming King. I couldn't stop thinking about your Mother so we would meet in secret. Every fortnight out by the pond. Just us with no obligations. No one telling us what to do. I don't need to go into details but that was the night she became you know. Judith wasn't answering the letters I had been sending her so I went to find her personally. Only to find that she was gone. No trace. No note. Just gone. I tried finding her. Honestly I did but there was no way to track her down."

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