Being prepared

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Hope POV

I stood very still. Listening to my beating heart and staring at a boy who I had never met until this very moment. For the first time in my life I was left truly speechless and I have never felt more unlike myself than right now.

The prospect of marriage had obviously been a big talking point for most of my life. Father and Mother had always talked about finding a husband that could benefit our kingdom and also my future. I had always just dismissed the idea as I hadn't thought about tying myself to one person for the rest of my life. I just pictured myself free and having no responsibility to anyone. I mean for one thing I liked both girls and boys. The thought of having a very important part of my identity be decided for me so I would have to choose a husband. It was sickening and made me pissed off every time I was made to be one thing.

The thought of running out of the room came to my mind but I was better than that. I always stared everything in the face so this boy would be no different. I put on my most best smile and curtsied like I was taught from the age I could walk.

"It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Prince Landon."

Prince Landon smiled a bit too sinister to my liking and took my hand before laying a kiss upon my knuckles. 

"The pleasure is all mine, Princess Hope. I have been very excited indeed to meet the infamous Princess Hope. Love and revered across the lands. In fact you Father is the one that suggested this pairing and I have been the utmost excited to finally lay my eyes on you. If I am not so bold."

"Of course not my lord. You are welcome to our kingdom and I hope I can live up to the expectation that you have of me."

Father smiled and clapped his hands.

"Excellent. I knew the two of you would be a good fit. We actually have a party tonight, Prince Landon and we would be honoured if you would attend as our esteemed guest."

"Yes I will be glad to attend, your majesty and please call me Landon. I like to forgo the titles as we get more acquainted with each other."

"Well then Landon. You can call me Klaus then. Now we need to get ready for the party.

Josie POV

I was running through pieces of my mind as I tried to wrap my head around tonight. I was going to a very fancy party hosted by the royal family. It was in honour of the kind who had returned from travelling and he had personally invited me to serve for him. That showed they were trusting me more and more and I felt humbled to be seen like that by anybody.

Mother had been pleased and was telling me about how to best make the right impression.

"Make sure you dressed appropriately and always have the right manners. Stand straight and greet people properly. Having the right attitude can go along way Josette so make sure you do so."

"I know Mother. I promise I won't disappoint you and will live up to our families name. You have my word."

"I know darling. I have the utmost fate in you and I know I can count on you always. I don't mean to be harsh but I want you to live up to your true potential."

I hugged my Mother when a knock came on the door.

I rushed to open it and there was a boy in a suit. The kind of outfit that the royal's personal servants would wear. He was carrying a heavy box.

"A delivery for Josette Parker. King's order's. May I come in and set it down for you?"

"Yes of course. Thank you so much."

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