Happily Ever After

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Hope POV

Firstly when I made my way out of the cell I had been trapped in I headed for my rose gardens. It was the helpful tip Ethan had gave me when he subtly gave me the key which secured my freedom. I am not sure why he did that but I am really glad he did.

It didn't take me too long as I made my way through the halls. There were only a few guards who I ran into which I had to avoid because I wasn't sure who had turned against us and who was still loyal. I thought it was best to just avoid all except my Father and Ethan.

Josie also kept creeping into my mind. I wanted to know if she was safe and where she was right now. I couldn't keep my mind off her even though I knew there was more pressing matters to attend to right now. Once I met up with Father I would make a plan to find her and protect her at all costs. I knew we hadn't know each other long but a certain vivid protectiveness came over me when I thought about Josie being in danger or someone hurting her.

I reached the rose garden and looked about. It was relatively quiet so I went deeper into it. 

"Father. Are you here? Father."

I tried my best to keep quiet but I was becoming more and more alarmed at the thought of him not being here. Or even worse. Caught by the same people who took me. I was getting more worried when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned quick and was prepared to attack when I seen my Father who was smiling at me.


I collapsed into his arms and he held on to me tightly.

"Hope. My dearest daughter. I am so glad to know of your safety."

We pulled apart but he still held on to my arm.

"Father. I am so glad to see you. What is happening?"

Father took me over by some high bushes so that we wouldn't be seen. He kept looking around almost if he was looking out for someone.

"There is a lot to explain, Hope. The brief version is that there is a coup happening in the castle right now. I have also been informed that there is an army marching on our kingdom at this very moment."

"Oh no Father. Are we done for?"

Father smiled and shook his head.

"No sweet child. Not even in the slightest. I have a plan in mind for the army. Just be thankful that your grandfather was very paranoid. It is the people in the castle we need to be worrying about at the minute. Maya is one of the people responsible as well as Prince Landon who had been here spying for his Father. Also there in someone who has betrayed us and it will hurt the most."

I was confused.

"Who betrayed us?"

Father sighed before answering.

"Your Mother."

Ethan POV

I went quickly up the main throne room. It was important that I kept appearance as much as possible to not draw from suspicion from the Queen, Maya or anyone else. I reached the throne room and the guards nodded to me before swinging open the double doors. 

What I saw was something that I never would have predicted. The first thing was the way the room energy's seemed to shift almost as soon as I crossed the threshold. Then the murder scene like something out of a crime fiction novel. The Queen lying on the floor below the thrones with wide lifeless eyes and blood all over the place.

My eyes widened in shock and then they went to everything else. Prince Landon was sitting at the nearest table but he kept shifting a bit as he drank from the goblet and then poured himself a new one without even glancing up at my arrival. Then to Josie who had been tied and gagged while she sat just a short bit away from the Queens body.

Hope and Josie - A Fairytale EndingWhere stories live. Discover now