I can't take my eyes off you tonight

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Hope POV

The door opens and Josie was there. Looking lovely in the party dress that I helped my Father pick out for the people who would be working the party. I specifically held her in my mind when I chose it. Knowing fully well how it would hug her curves perfectly. How it fit right around her breasts. I had been drinking for a while but my mouth went real dry in that moment.

A cough came from beside me and I realised Ethan had returned with the mead I requested. From My Father's top shelf. The king himself only drank the good stuff but he didn't mind me having some now and again. 

"Here you go, your Majesty."

"Thank you Ethan."

I took it gratefully and tried to ignore the sly smirk he gave me before going over to talk to Josie and Maya. I met her on one occasion but to be honest we didn't really know each other that well. He spoke to Josie to who smiled politely at him.

The awesome fucking smile that lit up the whole room and made me feel the butterflies that swirled around in my stomach now at the very thought of her. I held my goblet tight as I poured the drink into my cup as the strong smell reached my nose and filled my senses. 

I took a big drink and looked over at Josie again. She was picking up a tray but not before having a chat with Maya. Maya's hand went to her back and I had to fight not to scream across the room at them. I mean I didn't own Josie. Not in the slightest. She may be a servant of my kingdom and one day I would rule but I would never see her as beneath me. Well maybe not in the way I have thought about but that is a totally different thought.

I took another swig and then went to check if the food was all in order tonight. My Father and Mother would be showing up soon and everything had to be exactly right with no mistakes. I would make sure of it. 

Josie POV

I could feel her eyes on me from the moment I entered the room. I only glanced before getting to work. I couldn't let my mind wander. Not only because Hope was a person I couldn't have but also because I had to make a good impression tonight. I would work as best I could and impress the royal family. Then my Mother and I will receive more high priority jobs and make more money to keep us going as a result. 

Even without looking I could tell she wouldn't take my eyes off me. It made me feel like the most important girl in the room while also the most venerable at the same time.  I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Maya.

"I don't know about you but I hope we get to take some of the leftovers home because this food looks good. I can't wait to see the feast."

I laughed and took the first tray as more and more party guests started arriving.

"Yeah I hope so too. Just looking at these is making my stomach grumble."

Making sure not to drop the tray I started offering guests the treats. I chanced a look at Hope but the throne she sat in was now empty. I tried not to feel too disappointed but I had to keep reminding myself. That one night probably the only time I would even get a chance to talk to her. I would just have to accept it.

Putting on my best smile I continued throughout the party.

Hope POV

After checking the kitchen I was making my way back to the party. I downed the bottle I had with me and passed it to the nearest servant and kept walking. I swayed a little but I had a lot of practice in now acting drunk so it wasn't too hard. I needed to get back as I heard Mother was now there and Father was ready to make his grand entrance.

I reached the door and saw Father speaking with Ethan who had a serious expression his face. Father barely spoke to Ethan as Mother had hired him to be her bodyguard so it was weird to see them even this close and speaking in hushed tones but I suppose he might be talking about the security for the party. 

Hope and Josie - A Fairytale EndingWhere stories live. Discover now