53. Real Story 3

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I am a sound sleeper and never wake during the night. But one particular night, I awoke and knew something was wrong. I propped myself up on my elbow and opened my eyes. To my surprise, the chair that is normally in the corner was in the middle of the room facing me, with a girl of about 16, I would say, sitting in it. She was in a white dress and appeared to be from the 1800s or early 1900s. I know she was there, and I was calm until she spoke.

She didn’t move anything except her lips, saying, “Hi, Greg.” Well, after that I knew it was real and panicked and laid back down putting the pillow over my head to try to fall back asleep. But here’s the unbelievable part, and no one believes me to this day. I could feel her pushing on my shoulder trying to get my attention. At this time, if I removed the pillow, I would be staring her in the face! Removing that pillow was not on my list! I’m not sure what happened next, but I think I must have fainted or something. Whoever she was, she had a message… a message I didn’t let her give me.

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