Assignment 12 - Episode 2

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Steel saw Ruby and Gold in the distance of the corridor and shouted their names to grab their attention.

"Gold! Ruby!"

Ruby turned her head, and casually strolled over whilst Gold had already teleported right by Steel's side.

"Something the matter?" Gold asked.

"Yes. We need you back at the... lounge. Now." Steel commanded.

Ruby rolled her eyes and continued to casually stroll, whilst Gold was way ahead of them both, quite literally as he already teleported there.

"Ah!" Moonstone jumped in surprise at Gold's presence.

"Oh, Gold." Sapphire said in slight relief. "Where's Steel?"

"He's coming, along with Ruby, they're just not as quick on their feet as me." He joked back.

And right on queue, came Steel and Ruby.

"Alright, this is definitely everyone, I checked just to make sure as I was walking along listen to Ruby rant and rave."

"Wha-! I was not 'ranting and raving', I was simply asking where everyone was, that's all." Ruby argued back as she crossed her arms.

"Well, now that we're all here," Sapphire stood up from one of the chairs again. "We need to make sure we all stay together."

"Sapphire, can't you sense anything wrong, or what's happening?" Tin thought out loud.

Sapphire looked down "I'm afraid not."

"Oh."  Tin replied.

"...Um..." Moonstone mumbled.

"Are you okay Moonstone?" Sapphire asked.

Moonstone's eyes suddenly begun to glow. "Something is here, it's very powerful, it's blocking Sapphire's sensing, and, oh, it's... it's multiple things, beings even! They aren't good though.. they're-" Moonstone fell down, and couldn't finish her sentence.

"Who are they?" Steel quickly demanded to know.

"I... I don't know." Moonstone rose to her feet again.

"Why does this always happen..?" Steel grumbled.

"Thank you for telling us this much, Moonstone." Sapphire smiled kindly. Moonstone nodded in reply. Sapphire then approached Steel, who distanced himself from the others.

"Beings?" She mumbled.

"Yes." Steel bluntly replied.

"Do you think they've taken the others?" Sapphire asked in a low voice.

"I think it's a mix." He answered in thought.

"What?" Sapphire curiously replied.

"...Well... a mix, some decided to leave willingly and surrender, whilst others were taken because they seem to be a threat to these 'beings'."

"Do you know this for certain?" Sapphire questioned.

"Not for certain, no. I need your sensing for that, and since it's been blocked we won't be getting far with the indirect approach." Steel pointed out as he walked away.

Sapphire looked in thought before joining the group again mid-conversation.

"I was supposed to meet Jet in a few minutes but I suppose that won't be happening now unless she magically appears again." Ruby said to the group.

"Well... there's nothing much we can do now but to find them I suppose." Gold said with slight enthusiasm. 

"Yes but how do we do that? Our only reliable source of trying to locate them has been blocked." Ruby said as she looked in Sapphire's direction.

"It's not her fault." Steel stepped in.

"Did I say it was, Steel?" Ruby smiled sarcastically in reply.

"...Let's just split up and find them. You have your abilities Ruby. Use them." Steel bluntly commanded as he grabbed Sapphire's hand and walked out into the corridor.


"Whether your senses are blocked or not, we've still got to find them." Steel cut her off before she could say anything else.

"Yes I know but..."


"Why? Why leave us?" Sapphire rhetorically asked.

"What?" Steel answered in a confused tone.

"Well, if your theory is right, why has it only left us?"

"Well... Moonstone and Tin are only young so they might not be useful to it.. and... I suppose you're too much of a threat since it's blocked you from finding anything out about it."

"And you? Or Gold and Ruby?"

"I haven't figured that out yet," He looked at Sapphire with a serious facial expression "but I will."

Meanwhile in the lounge, the other four were still stumped with confusion.

"I don't really know what to do at this point." Tin started up conversation.

"Well I suppose we just follow their lead, right?" Moonstone looked up at Tin.

Ruby narrowed her eyes in thought whilst Moonstone and Tin exited the room.

"I suppose it's you and me Ruby! Come along." Gold politely said as he opened the door to go outside.

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