Assignment 12 - Episode 1

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In an unknown location in the universe, and the corridor of time was a base. It didn't physically appear, but if you were to take up residence inside of this base, there would certainly be a physical appearance; an unexpected and beautiful one at that, too. This place was were the elements of the universe resided, and that included Sapphire and Steel.

Sapphire was walking along the lengthy corridor to where Steel would most likely be. Diamond dubbed it a 'lounge' but it was more like a very futuristic version of one.

"Ah good morning Sapphire!" Gold tipped his fedora in a polite gesture. "Not doing any work today I see?"

"Actually no, however I was just going to ask Steel about this, he usually seems to be a lot more up on these matters than I am." Sapphire jokingly replied.

"Ah well, we can't all be as ridiculously serious and organised as Steel now, can we?" Gold laughed back.

"Sometimes I really don't understand how you cope with him Sapphire." Another woman joined in, Sapphire and Gold turned around to see Ruby crossing her arms.

"Oh Ruby, he really isn't that bad you know." Sapphire pointed out.

"My experience begs to differ." She shrugged.

"Well, if you will both excuse me, I need to find Steel."

"Good day Sapphire." Gold smiled. Ruby nodded. Sapphire smiled back and continued to make her way to the 'lounge'.

When she arrived, she found Steel standing, looking out of one of the windows evidently lost in thought.


"Oh." He replied as he turned to look at Sapphire.

"Sorry, did I disturb you?" She apologetically asked.

"No." Steel abruptly answered. Sapphire fell silent and stood next to him.

"Don't you find it a little odd that we haven't been assigned to do anything today?" Steel decided to ask.

"We still haven't? Oh... that's what I came to ask you as it so happens." Sapphire answered as she peered through the window to see Moonstone happily chattering on and on to a rather tired-looking Tin.

"No... I was hoping you had some news that we were." Steel answered.

"Well maybe they decided to give us a little hiatus?" Sapphire thoughtfully said as she went to go sit on one of the very strange cube-shaped chairs.

"Hiatus? Why?" Steel bluntly asked as if Sapphire would know.

"It's just a thought." Sapphire reminded him.

"I just feel something isn't right." Steel sighed. "How many others have you seen today?"

"Why? What relevance-" 

"How many?" Steel asked again.

"... Well counting you, five." Sapphire told him with a tone of confusion.

"Five." Steel repeated.

"Yes." Sapphire nodded. "But why-"

"That's exactly the same number of us I've seen today as well, counting you of course." 

"Maybe the others are on an assignment?" Sapphire thought out loud.

"If that were true none of us would be here at all." Steel answered. "There must be something more to this." 

Out-of-the-blue, the door swung open, and in came Moonstone and Tin.

"I don't know how you can go on talking for so long, do you not get bored?" Tin asked her as he subtly smiled.

"I never get bored of you!" She happily told him with a smile on her face, she quickly noticed Sapphire and Steel were present in the lounge and got even more excited, they were two of her favourite people after all, she looked up to Sapphire greatly and found Steel rather funny since he's so serious all the time.

"Moonstone," Sapphire approached her. "excuse me for asking such a strange question but, how many of us have you seen today?

"Hmm..." Moonstone pouted in thought "You, Steel, Tin, Ruby and Gold... five." Moonstone smiled in reply.

Sapphire smiled back and put her hand on Moonstone's shoulder. "Thank you."

"What about you, Tin?" Steel asked.

"Well, the same. We just assumed you were all inside or something." 

Sapphire and Steel looked at each other in thought.

"I'll go find Ruby and Gold, you stay here with these two and make sure they don't go anywhere." Steel gave the sudden order and quickly ran off down the corridor to go find them both. 

"What's going on Sapphire?" Moonstone curiously asked.

"We're not sure, not yet." She replied as she watched Steel run down the corridor.

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