Assignment 12 - Episode 5

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"No." Steel sighed. "It's not possible, they can't just 'come back'. And also, Jet would never be involved. She wouldn't be able to work it all out."

"She hasn't." Sapphire replied.

"What?" Steel asked her.

"She's simply a mole. A puppet even." Sapphire said in a concerned tone.

"Jet wouldn't consent. This doesn't make any sense." Steel told her, getting impatient with Sapphire's allegations.

"Steel, please, just trust me." Sapphire pleaded as she fiddled with her sleeve.

"And what about Silver? The one that left us in the space room in no where? No time?"

"I already told you Steel, Silver was the one that told base, told Gold. He's innocent."

"Innocent." Steel said to himself as he walked away.

"Sapphire." Moonstone said as she came over to her.


"Are we in danger?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Yes." Sapphire nodded. She couldn't quite bring herself to tell Moonstone exactly.

"Oh. It's that bad?" Moonstone asked again.

"I think so, yes." Sapphire bit her lip in thought. Moonstone looked at the ground and walked away.

"Is it really so bad? Who are we missing?" Jet inquired to the group.

"Gold, Lead, Copper, Diamond, Radium and Ruby." Steel replied.

"Oh, so it can't be that bad?" Jet said with a hesitant but reassuring voice.

"Of course it's bad!" Steel snapped. "We're missing our main navigator, insulation, creation, and someone who can create forms of themselves to travel in different points of time! How could you say this isn't bad?" He continued.

"She isn't acting like herself." Sapphire told him telepathically.

"No. Usually she'd go through the roof in a dramatizing meltdown." Steel agreed.

"Steel!" Sapphire suddenly gasped out loud.

"What?" Steel turned around automatically.

"Look!" Sapphire pointed behind Jet.

"I don't see anything." Steel looked at Jet in confusion. Sapphire walked up to him and placed her hands against his face.

"Let me show you." Sapphire's eyes began to glow blue as she looked at Jet in concentration. Steel continued to look on. After a few seconds, a figure started to appear. Not a figure he had seen before, but one he could tell was no good, one he could tell was no other than another transient being; he thought it was impossible, another one? His thoughts continued to race. How many more could there be? What was it doing at base? His thoughts kept racing until he couldn't think properly or clearly anymore.

He ran straight up to Jet and grabbed her wrists and dragged her into the opposite direction at extreme pace.

"No!" Jet screeched as she shook Steel's firm grip eventually away.

"What?!" Steel snapped. Jet turned away with her eyes shut. Sapphire approached the pair, followed by Silver, and then Moonstone and Tin.

"What's wrong Jet?" Moonstone asked.

"Moonstone, could you and Tin just stay over there for a moment please? So we can still see you." Sapphire kindly asked her with a smile. Moonstone nodded and smiled back as she grabbed Tin enthusiasticly and dragged him over to where Sapphire told them to go.

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