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What is that? Please nothing from the government or my therapist. George prayed while he turned the closed envelope in his hand.

His first name and Adress were the only thing written on it, not the sender.

This can't be something official.

But why would anyone send him a letter? 

He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a wrinkled piece of paper.

He thought it was the only thing that was send to him, when a little flower fell out, together with a sticky note. He begun to read the few words on the little note first and started to realize who wrote him this letter.

I picked it up at the bridge, when we first met. Isn't it beautiful?

It was Dream.

George smiled slightly and looked at the dried flower. It was really pretty. He laid the flower on his desk and begun to read the letter his only friend send him.

He never really received a good letter, so it was a whole new experience to let his gaze fly over all the beautiful lines, that made him kinda tear up.

In this text were so many things, George didn't even noticed in his life.

Dream listed up things about George and his life wich were all right.

He really stopped noticing leave crunches and animal shaped clouds. He forgot how beautiful soap bubbles could be.

Life lost his meaning and the Beauty it once had for George.

Reading the lines Clay wrote him, George begun to feel something very deep in side.

First he couldn't really sort what kind of feeling it was, but then he realized. He wanted to get his life back.

He don't wanted to just exist everyday and do nothing but being sad.

But that wasn't everything he felt in that moment.

He read the sentences again and again and noticed a warm feeling growing inside his stomach, going up to his chests and arms, into his head and legs, till his whole body felt warm and safe.

For the first time in his whole life he felt that someone actually liked him. He felt so appreciated in that moment. The feeling was good and warmed up his whole body.

Wow he thought I'm so jealous on people that can feel like this everyday. If it's possible for me to always feel like this, life would be so beautiful

And that's exactly what he wrote down.

He decided to write a letter back and send it to the adress that was written on the bottom of the letter.

When he was done, he had a pretty long text, explaining to Clay how much he really misses life and thanking him for opening his eyes. He also said that it would make him really happy to get to a positive point with him together but he don't wanted to take all his freetime away and ruin their roadtrip trough England and a lot of more stuff.

When the letter was ready, he decided that he should put a flower in aswell, so he got dressed and went outside to the bridge that was pretty close to his house.

When he arrived, George kneeled down and picked up the most beautiful flower he saw. It was blue, so one of the less colors he could see. Perfect.

He walked back home, looking up in the sky.

It already got late and the sun begun to set.

Dream was right. He totally forgot how beautiful the sunset was.

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