Chapter 5

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Me and Cole got to my trailer after about half an hour of trying to waist some of Ruby's energy. Which didn't work.

"So a dance? What did I get my self into." He laughed.

"Ha! Hope you can dance cowboy!" I laughed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He laughed, " I'm one of the best dancers in the world."

He looked into my eyes as he said it. "Oh yeah?" I question him, he takes a step closer to me so there's only about a fourth of a foot between us.

"Guess you'll find out tonight." He took another step closer. He started to lean down. He was about half a foot taller Than me. He cupped my face into his hand.

"What y'all wearing to the dance?" Waylon asks as he enters my trailer ruining whatever was going on between me and Cole.

"Um, I'm going on my normal western shirt and jeans." I say, it feels awkward, I look at Cole for reassurance.

"I'm not sure yet." Cole said.

"Well it starts in a little under an hour. So y'all better hurry." Waylon says.

"Let me guess your gonna try to get the girls?" I ask Waylon.

"Well duh. How else am I gonna find a girl friend?" He said then left.

The second Waylon left it got silent in the trailer. Cole try's to avoid eye contact but loses that fight. We just stare into each other's eyes for a few minutes.

"I've gotta go get ready." I say breaking the silence.

He grabs my hand. "Wait." He said, his ton flat, almost emotion less. He takes a step forward. I can feel my body get tence he leaned down and kisses my check. "Now you can go." He said and dropped my hand.

He started to walk away. I just stood there, my body frozen in place from the 'kiss'.

After I just Stand there for a good minute. I walk to my part of the trailer. The good thing about my trailer, is it has two rooms. I search my closet for a decent button up, I find a black t shirt and put a nice button up over it. I go and look throw my jeans trying to find a decent pair. After about two minutes I find one pair of black jeans. They'll work.

"Hey I'll meet you down there, it's in the rodeo arena right?" Cole yells.

"Yeah, see you there." I say and start to go faster. I grab my nice pair of camo boots. And start getting dressed.

"Rain, you in hear?" Lonna yells.

"Yeah in my room."

"Okay I'm coming in." She yells

"Okay." I had my shirt on and jeans now hair.

"Please tell me your not going in that." She says in disgust and looks me up and down.

"Well yeah why." I ask, she's one of the only people that know I can't dress good to save my life.

"Where's that camo dress I bought you?" She asks.

"No, there's no way your gonna get me to wear a dress!"

* * * * *

"You look so cute." Lonna says and laughs.

I growl back. I can't believe she got my in this stupid dress. I hate her for it. "I hate you." I growl at her. At least I get to wear my Camo boots I think. She wanted to put me in high heels. Disgusting.

"We'll suck it up."

Wear almost to the arena. Thankfully.

"So what going on between with you and Cole. Waylon was telling me that it looked like y'all were kissing in your trailer." She asks me.

"It wasn't exactly a kiss, we almost did but then he ruined it."

"Dang it Rain. I expect Juicy details not that garbage!" She says with a laugh.

I start pulling down this stupid dress. "This thing is so stupid!" I yell in frustration.

"Someone is gonna disagree with that." Lonna says and I look up to see Cole, jaw dropped. "You should have let me put makeup on ya."

"Heck no." I say and go back to Cole, who is wearing a camo tux, black jeans, and boots. I can feel myself start to blush.

"Ma'am." Cole says and grabs my hand." You look stunning." He says.

"You don't look half bad yourself." I say. Then grab his hand. We head into the arena. Until we find Austin and Waylon.

"Dang, who you tryin' to impress?" Waylon says and checks me out.

"Oh screw you Waylon. And for your information Lonna put me in this." I say and stick my tung out.

"Wow real mature." Waylon said and rolled his eyes.

I looked over at Austin who is currently in shock I believe and holding his favorite drink, coors light.

I grab the coors and take a drink out of it.

"Hey that's mine!" Austin yells and tries to grab it.

I quickly put it behind my back, "I'll give it back if you go grab me a drink." I say and he starts to walk away.

"Cole you want anything?" I ask.

"Uh grab me a corona." He said.

"Uh no. Cole got the rona virus!" Waylon said and we all laughed.

Cole rolled his eyes. " I'm gonna go with Austin and see what else they have."

"Okay." I say, squeeze his hand and let go. "Common Waylon, let's dance!" I say and we go to the dirt/dance floor.

Coles POV
I got to the arena a few minutes early and see my old room mates there.

"Dang who's got you all gussed up!?" They all say.

"It's no one. Look I'm gonna be moving into my quote in quote students camper." I say. I could smell the achol smell coming off of them, they'd been there a while.

"Is it that girl. Uh what's her name, uhh. Oh that's right Rain? She's fire." Ford one of my old bunk mates said. "Is she who your getting gussed up for? Cole likes a girl. That's something I would think would come out of my mouth. Hope you don't treat her like your dad treated you and your mom."

"Shut up." I growl. Flashbacks come through my head, of me or my mom getting beat for doing one thing wrong. I feel my fist get tight.

"What's wrong Cole? Is big bad scary Cole scared of something. Something that has happened to him." Ford says with a smile

Without thinking I throw a punch. A good one too, right in-between his eyes, almost a garente to break his nose. He falls backward off the stool he was siting on.

"What the heck Cole" he says.

I start walking away. I find the entrance to the arena as I was getting ready to leave. I look up and see the most gorgeous girl in the world walking my way. She must notice how stunned I am because I can see her start to blush.

* * * * *

Me and Austin start walking towards the bar. My old roommates are gone. They just have left after I punched Fords nose.

"Hi I'll have a straw-bereta, Cole what do you want." Austin asks me.

"Uh. One Corona please." I say.

"Okay." The bar tender says as he walks to the coolers with the beer.

"Hey we need to talk." Austin says as the bartender hands him the drink.

He passes me my drink and I follow him to a table.

"What's up." I ask him. He's glaring at me.

"You need to stat away from rain. She's mine!" He growls and yells.


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