Chapter 9

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Coles Point Of View

I slowly lowered my body onto the bulls back. All I could think about was the acident and how this part right here could have saved me. If I would have listened to my buddy Chase and tightened my bull rope there could have been a chance I would have never been in the accident or not that bad.

"Cole you good?" Asked the guy helping me down.

"Fine." I gritted through my teeth. I wanted this ride to be done with.

"Are you sure? You don't look like it." He said.

"I'm fine." I said and tightened the rope, the bull jumped slightly, and I could feel my body tense up.

Once I got set up I took a nice long breath and nodded. The gate shot open and the bull went with it. I keep my legs going with the bull and kept my back straight. I moved my hips and went with the bull.

Cole can you hear me. i'm trying to help you but you have to respond.

Where am I? What happened.

You were in a accident. I need you to-

I can't feel my legs. Why can't I feel my legs!?

Cole you need to calm down.

"Ride em' Cole!" I looked to my left and seen Wayon cheering me on.

Snap out of it! I thought. 6.26 seconds. I can do this. The bull turned right, and I loved right. It's all coming back! I started spuring the bull to get him to buck some more. I moved my hips and felt free again.

"Eight Seconds. The world champ might be coming back!" The announcer yelled.

I bailed and stood up. I've never felt more proud of myself than now. "YES!" I yelled out. I was so happy.

*  *  *  *  *

After  spending a minute with some fans and friends I decied to go find Rain. There she is, bull vest, helmet and bull rope in one hand and the other empty, waiting for my hand. "Boo" I said as I came up behind her and grabbed her.

"You butt! I'm not supposed to be scared before I get on the bull!" She said, I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. "You should smile like that more. It would make you seem nicer to the people that don't know you." She said. I tried my hardest to stop smiling.

"Well maybe I like it that way." I couldn't help it. I was so happy. I had made history in my head. I promised myself I would never do it again but here I am.

"Whatever." She said with a smile. she looked at something in the distance and tried to see but it was almost like she wouldnt let me.

"Well are you ready for your ride?" I asked trying to get her to tell me.

"Yeah. Ready to beat you." She said with a grin.

"Right. I'd like to see you beat the legend." I said and let go of her to flex.

"Well I beat you the past few years. Because someone didn't compete" She said


"So, when will I be able to ride again?" I asked my nurse who just so happened to be my aunt.

"I don't think you ever will Cole. You just started walking. If a bull with a strong enough force where to throw you, you would be paralyzed for life." She said.

"Yeah? Then how in the world am I supposed to get money huh? That's where I get my money? I cant just give up my job no not just a job, a family and career for something that might not even be real?" I said. does she seriously think i'm going to stop riding? That's bull.

"Cole look what just happend! You could have died, in fact you chance to live where only 20%! Do you seriously want to give your life up just to go and ride bulls?"

"Your dang right I do! I don't want to settle down! I want to live my life the fullest!" I yelled back.

"Cole, this injury and your past injuries make your body somewhat weaker than others. You know i'm only trying to help you."

"Yeah PAST! PAST! Injuries!" I could feel my body getting madder and madder.

"What do you want! Do you want to seriously give up your life, possible become a drunk like your father and then what huh? Can you go rodeo and ride your dang bulls to make you feel better? Because at that point I don't think you would be able to."

"That's- You know what whatever, i'll be fine." How dare she bring that up. does she seriously think i'll become that?

"Cole wait that's not what I meant. Cole!"


"Wow, just wow." I said and grabbed her hand. All I could think of for a second was after I was able to walk again and the argument I had with my aunt. "Well, I'll walk you to your bull then go cheer you on." I said and smiled even wider at her.

"You don't have to. I'll be fine." She said. Something felt weird. I would have thought she would have said yes, but I guess not.

"Okay." I said and walked up to Waylon as I let go of her hand.

*Rains ride*

"Well folks I hate to say this but we only have one ride left, Rain Stilinski, riding Bulldozer!" The crowed cheered as they heard the name but all I could do was stare in horror.

No, no, no, anyone but her anyone.

The gait flung open. It was almost like she forgot how to ride. she only had 2 seconds and I noticed right then she blacked out.

"Waylon. She blacked out." I said.

"Crap!" He yelled

"Look at her go folks she's almost to eight!" The annowner yelled

"RAIN! Get her off that Bull!" I yelled as me and Waylon jumped into the arena. Her body fell of the bull after the buzzer went off.

"You get her i'll get the bull!" Waylon said as I stared running.

"Cole?" She asked as I started shaking her.

"Hey i'm right here." I said. I noticed there was some blood on her shirt, I lifted up her sleeve and sure enough she had a nice little injury where the steer had got her.

"Did I make it to 8?" She asked and tried to get up.

"That's what you care about? If you made it to 8?" I asked. How could she think of that?

"Yes I care." She said as she started standing up.

"Don't stand!" I demanded.

"I'm fine." She said and stood.

"Well fine then." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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