Chapter 3

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I got up bight and early, 4 am to be exact. I get dressed in my normal dress, a plaid button up, wrangler jeans, and some ariat boots, with my spurs on them. I walked out of the bedroom to see Cole still sleeping. He looked younger when he sleeps, calmer. "Rise and shine! Its rodeo time!" I say.

        "What?" He said, his eyes still shut, and yawning.

        "Well I'm going out to rope and do some barrel racing today. Want to secure my way to qualify for the NFR." I say, bull riding isn't all I do.

        "Okay, mind if I come? It's been ages scene I've ridden a horse or roped for that matter." He said. It surprised me that he knows how to rope, I thought he just did bull riding.

        "I mean I guess." I say "You gotta hurry though."

        "Okay." He says.

        I head outside and load up my chairs and the rest of my wood.    

        "Morning." I hear a sleepy voice behind me. It was Austin. He had dark circles under his eyes.

        "You look tired. How late did you stay up last night?" I say as I put the last of the wood in my trucks tailgate.

        "1, 1:30. You gonna go rope today?" He asks.

        "Yeah so is-"

        "Rain, you need any help?" Cole says as he puts his hat on and exits my trailer.

        "No, think I got it all." I say, "Uh Austin, Cole is gonna come with us."

        "Sweet." He says, there's almost a bit of jealousy in his voice.

        "Well I'll go start the pic up then." Says Cole, as he heads to my pic up.

        "He's going with you?" Austin says almost hissing.

        "Yeah, his bunk mates are hungover, and he wants to rope, so I told him he could tag along. Why does that bother you?" I say. Austin's never acted jealous about another guy before, why he is he starting to act this way.

        "Nothing ill see you when we get there then." Austin says then walks back to his trailer.

        "What was up with that?" Cole says as he approaches me.

        "I don't know, Austin's just acting weird I guess. Anyways let's get going we gotta get there before 12 and it's a 8 hour drive. We can grab food at the gas station up the road." I say as I start walking to my pick up and getting to the drivers side.

        On our way there we got to know each other more. He was more relaxed and fun than he presented himself to be. 

*            *           *           *           *           *         *

      "Catch" by Brett Young came on the radio I started lip singing the beginning, Cole looked over and saw me lip singing.

     "I THOUGHT THAT I'D CATCH A BUZZ CATCH A GAME!!!" He yelled singing the song.

     "CATCH UP WITH THE BOYS THE SAME OLD THING" We both sung, then laughing right after.

     "Beautiful singing Rain" He said trying to catch his breath from laughing.

     "You too Cole," I was laughing so hard. Cole was such a kind person when he wasn't Mr. Rodeo.

     After a minute or two, I looked over to him, he still had a big smile on his face. 

     "Look! Its a little diner with gas pumps!" i exclaimed.

     "You mean a gas station with a small diner?" he said raising an eyebrow at me.

     "That's what I said dumb dumb!"

     "Yeah but you said it weird, dumb dumb." He joked, and gave me a goofy smile. 

     "Whatever. I just want something to eat." I spoke with a  laugh in my voice.

     He smirked as we pulled into the little place. I was excited when I parked the truck and hopped out to get food. 

     "Oh by the way," I paused looking back at him. "You're paying!" And I took off running to the door. 

     "What? Driver pays!" He yelled after me.

     He caught up with me once I got into the building and what felt like a hug from behind. I laughed.

     "Hey guys," Austin said as we walked in and frowned at the sight of him 'hugging' me.

     "Hey" I replied not knowing what else to say. "Well how was your trip?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

      "Good, how about your guys." He asked.

      "It was good." Cole replied with a big smile on his face. 

*       *       *       *       *       *

      After another 6 hours of driving we got to the town of the rodeo, Longview, Texas. I looked over at Cole who was just joking around, who was now tensing up throughout his body and got pale. He lowered his head, and avoided eye contact. His hand where in tense fist. I didn't know what to do. I never seen this side of him, even though I've only known him for almost two days. "Hey are you okay" I asked not knowing what else to say.

     "Fine." He barely got the word fine out.

     "Your not fine, don't say that crap to me." I hissed. I hate it when people lie to me, but so did my parents.

     "It's." He went silent as I entered the area where you get horse tacked up before you go and ride.

      "You can tell me?" I said not knowing of it was a question or a statement. I don't know how to take him like this.

       "This is where my accident was." He mumbled.


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