Chapter 7

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I felt something, somebody pull me in. I didn't want to get up. But I know I had too. I look up and see Cole. He looks so peaceful when he's asleep, and calm. I look down and see he is holding me. Arms around me as if it was a big bear hug. I feel so protected in this position.

I looked out the window and see it's still dark out. I can see my phone so I grab it without moving my body much, I really don't want to wake Cole. I have a missed call from Austin, along with some text. I'm pretty sure he went and drank more, his text don't make sense. I have a few text from Waylon saying that he was trying to stay sober for Austin's sake. After reading through all my text I snuggle close to Cole and drift into sleep once again.

"Hey." Cole said.

"What?" I asked, wanting to keep sleeping.

"We gotta get up. Especially if you wanna practice." He said in a calm soothing voice.

"No. I wanna sleep." I said and snuggled close to him.

"You can sleep in tomorrow. We got rodeo today." He said and started rubbing my back.

"Fine." I said and tried to get up. I realized that Cole still had him one arm around me. I hugged him back.

"What you wanna get dressed." He laughed.

"Ya know think I might go in my pajamas." I joke.

"Oh yeah, that would be professional." He said and started to move his hand.

"Totally." I say I got up and headed to the other side of my trailer. I took of Coles sweatshirt and got dressed, I put on a t-shirt and jeans, I'll put my button up on later. Then once again I put Coles Sweatshirt back on, and head to the door.

"Am I ever gonna get that sweatshirt back?" He asks.

"Once it losses its scent." I said and walk up to him.

"Great." He says and rolls his eyes. "What events are you doing today?" He asked.

"Uh. Steer wrestling and bull riding, might as well do a little bit of everything." I said. I can see he still isn't comfortable with me bull riding here. "You gonna do any events?"

"Yeah, bull riding." He said trying to sound as confident as he can.

"Cole, you don't have too, and I thought you just started walking, are you even allowed to bull ride?" I ask. I'm starting to care to much about him. I can't help it though.

"I'll be fine, I've been on a few practice bulls." He said and hugs me.

I hug him tighter. I can feel him shaking slightly, I can here his heartbeat race.

"Rise n' shine!" Waylon yells as he comes into my trailer.

"Your not hungover? That's new." I say. Waylon is normally the party person in my group. That makes me wonder how bad Austin is.

"Yeah. Austin didn't do so good last night. And I got myself a date!" He said.

"A date!? Who's the lucky gal?" Cole asks, as he starts to let go of me.

"Believe it or not Lonna." He says with a proud smile.

"Lonna!?" I ask. "You hurt her 'cowboy' I swear." I half yell half joke at him.

"Oh I dated you, and she didn't kill me when I broke it up." He said and playfully punches my arm.

"That's not how I remember it." I say and punch his arm back.

"Sure. Wait have you guys had the awkward ex talk yet?" Waylon says.

"Kinda, he knows my ex's." I replied.

"Oh, well your looking at the best ex she's ever had!" Waylon yelled and shot a pose.

"Okay." I say and roll my eyes and grab Coles hand.

~~At the Arena~~

"Cole you wanna ride Aztec a little bit while I practice Steer wrestling with Ruby." I asked and turn so I'm in front of him, as Waylon left.

"Sure. Ya know I think we should have ourselves a little race?!" Cole says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I'll give you a five second head start and we go to your horse trailer." He said.

"Oh your on!" I yell and start to run. I run as hard and as fast remembering my middle school years running cross country and track.

"Come here cowgirl!" I hear Cole yell from behind me quit a ways. I could hear both of our spears clanking.

I push myself fast and I see my trailer. "Haha sucker." I say as I push my feet to go faster as I reach my trailer.

"Brat!" Cole yells as he starts getting closer but didn't slow down.

"Cole?" I yell and ask him.

He has a devilish grin on his face, and as he approaches me he picks me up and stops.

"Cole!! Let me down." I laugh.

"How about no." He says and starts leaning in for a kiss.

"What going on here?" We hear a voice from behind us.

"Great." Is all I hear Cole say as I look behind me and see Austin.

He's hungover. Dark circles under his eyes sunglasses, all of it.

Cole puts me down and steps in front of me.

"Why does it matter to you." Cole growls.

"Look I don't remember much of last night but Waylon told me that I kissed Rain? So I just came to apologize." Austin says.

"Austin and can we talk later I've gotta practice I haven't done steer wrestling in a few months." I say and step in front of Cole. As it looks like Cole is about to through a punch at him. "Come on Cole." I say as I grab Coles hand and pull him away.

"Why didn't you let me punch him? He deserved it! He can't even remember last night!" Cole yells. He bushes his hand through his hair.

"He might have deserved it but that didn't mean you do it, plus you are our mentor." I say.

"About that... I have decided that I'm gonna form a team and I'll be rider too." He said and smiled. "Thinkin about adding Waylon and kicking Austin."

"Just give Austin a chance. Look I don't wanna talk about this right now let's go ride." I say and we head back to the trailer and tack up.

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