Chapter 2

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I check my phone as I enter my Trailer to get ready to go to my next ride. I see I have a missed call from my mom and dad. And not just one either. I listen to one message. "Rain Stilinski! Get you butt home as soon as you get this. When did you leave for PBR! How!? You've never even ridden a bull beside the one time where we let you ride one and after that we said NO!" My mom yelled through the message. "Crap." I say as Austin enters.

"Hey me and the guys are gonna go get a drink, wanna come?" He asks. "Hey what's up you have that look on your face." He says.

"Nothing." I say as he walks up and grabs my phone.

"Don't..." is all I manage to get out before he listens to the message.

"You're not gonna let that happen, are you? Your going to continue to ride, despite what you parents say." He says, He knows how much I've been despising this moment.

"No, I'm gonna continue riding. You go out and get a drink, I'm gonna pack and get ready." I say, he can feel the sadness in my voice, The problem is that I don't know why I'm sad, I should be reveled and happy at the least. I'm not hiding secrets anymore. Isn't that what counts.

Out of nowhere Austin hugs me.

"I'm fine." I say as I try to push him away, but his embrace is to strong, so I accept it and bury my head by his neck.

"What's going on here!?" says Waylon. One of me and Austin's friend. He has almost blonde hair but has a brown tint to it. And green eyes.

"Her parents found out..." Austin says as he lets go of me.

"Oh." Is all Waylon mange's to say. He knows about my parents, he knows I'm not allowed to ride but do anyways.

"Well I'm fine you guys go get your beers and party till dawn." I say, trying to forget about it, and break the silence.

"Are you sure we can stay and help you get ready?" Says Waylon.

"I will be fine, and you know it." I say as I practically push them out of my trailer. "Also there's a magical thing called knocking I say and close the door.

I decided to go and put some sweatpants on along with a sweatshirt and put on a movie. I decide to watch 8 seconds. One of favorite movies to watch that or roped.


"What the heck!" I realize that I yelled that out loud. "Just a sec!" I yell. "I told you Austin I don't want to go and-"

"Good to see you too." Says Cole.

"Oh. Cole, I'm sorry I thought you were Austin. What can I do for you?" I say. He truly did surprise me. Also how did he know where my trailer was?

"Well my trailer roommates are drunk, and I have no where else to sleep, and I asked Austin and Waylon and they told me to go and talk to you. I can leave if you want it's not a big deal." He says.

"Yeah, you can stay, um. Let me go and get some blankets and you can sleep in the back on one of the bunk beds." I say. I didn't expect that, I didn't even know what to expect but that was not it.

"Thank you." He says taking his hat off and placing it on my hat holder. "Well considering were team mates know, what's your story?" He asks me.

"Well," I start then drop a blanket. He came and grabbed it, on accident he touched my hand and I felt something in my body. I'm not sure what but something. "Uh anyways, I started riding calves at 9 and fell in love with it. My parents didn't approve. At the time me and Austin where just becoming friends, I was a roper and barrel racer. He roped and rode the bulls. He was 11. He told me if he could use one of my horses for roping he could get me a practice bull at his place. That when I started going over to his place to study."

"Most the time you say study, you don't think bull riding." He says with a laugh.

"Ha ha. It wasn't like that, it's never been like that for us, only friends. Anyways, I started getting better. My parents started to not show up to my rodeos, so I started signing up for bull riding. I did that for years until I made it to more roundups and traveling. At the age of 17, I dropped out of high school to continue bull riding. My parents thought I was pursuing roping but I wasn't. that's were I'm at know." I said, he had a smile on his face.

"So how old are you know?" He asks with a confused look.

"Right now I am 21 years young." I say, He looks pleased, so I guess that's all I can hope for.

"You seem younger, I mean your not out drinking, that's something most 21-year-old country people do. Or out being stupid." He says. It was almost like he couldn't figure me out.

"Well I guess I can be that way sometimes. I just don't want it to show it right now." I say, I want to know more about him. "So how about you what's your story?"

"Believe me, you don't want know. It's long and boring." He says, I start to notice that he is fidgeting with his hands.

"I could go for a long story." I say. I'm going to try to test him, see how far I can get.

"Believe me it's not a," He paused for a second.

"What?" He got silence "Just your bull riding past nothing personal." I say. He's hiding something, I could tell.

"Okay. I started bronk riding when I was 6. I got hooked, it was a way for me to escape from reality. I stated junior rodeo when I was 8, No one expected me to be as good as I was. That's when I met what thought was gonna be a life long friend but was wrong. Lonna Fisher."

"No way, she's one of my friends! She barrel races." I say, "Sorry didn't mean to interrupt."

"No your good. Guess I don't pay attention to barrel racing. Anyways I seen people do bull riding and I wanted to try. My Uncle told me go and sign up for it. So I did. That's when I started my career, when I turned 15 I went to high school rodeo. Then when I was 16 I got a note from the PBR on March 18, 2012. I dropped everything, Kinda what you did. Dropped out of high school, with two years left. Then In 2017." He stopped. It's like he lost track of his breathing and stopped breathing for a second.

"Hey, it's okay." I didn't know what to do. It's like he got really scared of the thought of the memory. Without thinking I grabbed his hand.

"The bull impaled me, on my knee." With his other hand that wasn't holding my hand he lifted up his pant leg to revel a circle shaped scar, more of an oval. "The bull, after he stabbed me, he threw me. I just started walking on my own about two months ago." He said. His breathing was like he just ran three miles at a sprint.

"I'm sorry, I should-"

"No, no it was good to share it with someone," he said with uneven breathing still.

"Well I should get going to bed," I say, "We've gotta get ready to leave in the morning."

"Do you mind if I ride with you, I don't have the best bunk mates." He said.

"So I've heard." I say, he started laughing.

" Goodnight rain." He said, and let go of my hand.

"Goodnight Cole" I say and go to the other bed. I couldn't believe that we stated talking at 8 and now it's 9:30


I jumped out of my bed, someone was knocking at my door. I ran as fast as by sore legs would let me. I seen that Cole was also awake. I grabbed my gun by my door and opened it.

"Have you heard of this magical thing called knocking" said Waylon as Austin was behind him laughing his head off.

"Oh haha. Good one guys. You should probably go to bed now" I say as they walk away, it's only 11 who knows how late they'll stay up.

"It was Austin and Waylon" I say to Cole, and put my gun back.

"Okay" he says and we each go to our beds.

Hi everyone! Please comment and tell me what you think so far I would really appreciate it!

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