Chapter 6

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"Waylon, don't you think that Cole and Austin have been gone longer than it takes to get a drink?" I yell over the music.

"Oh there fine! Just relax Rain. Have some fun!" He said as he grabbed my hand and twirled me around.

Maybe he was right. I'm spending to much time stressing over this. I let Waylon lead me through the upbeat line dance. One thing about Waylon is when he's around you can just let go. I think that's why we're good friends. I'm normally care free but ever sense I met Cole that has changed to a certain degree. After the dance we're both out of breath and laughing.

"Why are we laughing!" He yells. Then laughs again.

"Probably because you screwed up the dance!" I said and laughed.

"Oh haha." He said the kicked his boot so dirt flew up on me.

"Oh it's on!" I yell as we both pick up some dirt.

"What are you guys doing?" Austin says as he approaches us. Then hand me a my drink.

"Thanks Austin." I say. Where's Cole? He went with Austin. "Wheres Cole?"

Austin hesitates "uh, he had to head back to the trailer. He wasn't feeling good." He says. "Let's dance."

I grab my phone and text Cole. Then I realized I didn't have his number. "Hey I'm gonna head to the trailer. I getting tired of this dress." I say and start to head to the exit.

"I'll come with ya." Austin said.

"Who's gonna stay here with Waylon." I say then look over and see him dancing Lonna. "Never mind." I say and we start to walk.

"Ya we'll leave the boy to it." He laughed and I rolled my eyes.

Austin tries to take my hand. I didn't let him. He looks at me with sadness in his eyes. I ignore it and walk out of the arena.I can smell alcoholic him.

It's a long awkward walk. I try to make small talk. I always fail though. Austin seems nervous he never acts like this.

"Okay what's wrong." I say as we get to my trailer.

He then grabs me and pulls me in and kisses me.

"Austin!? What the heck!" I yelled. "I have a boyfriend ya know!" I regret saying the word as Cole comes out. Furious. 

"He's your boyfriend!" Austin yells "there's no way. Look at him!" Austin yelled.

"What are you talking about!" I yell. At this point I'm literally holding Cole back. "Austin I see you as a friend. Nothing more, ever!"

"I think you should leave." Cole growls, he's mad. Mad is an understatement, there's no words to describe how mad he is.

"How about no! I don't got to listen to you!" Austin yells. I glare at him, and try to mouth get out of here but I'm to late Cole gets passed me.

"Cole don't!" I yell. It's to late, All I see is Cole throw a punch at Austin, gets his cheek.

"You gonna leave now." Cole growls.

"Fine." Austin says. He looks at me, I can't even begin to explain his face.

"I'll see you tomorrow Austin." I say to Austin.

"What happened at the bar? Why'd you leave, don't even try to tell me that you don't feel good, that's not going to work." I say.

"Nothing" he said his tone flat.

I glared at him, how in does the world does he think I will believe that! Why does he think I believe that!

"It's truly nothing." He said, it's like he trying to protect Austin.

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