Chapter 8

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Ruby was dripping sweat along with Aztec, we've been practicing for about 2 hours. "Let's take a break the horses need one and we need to go sign in." I yell to Cole who is on the other side of the arena.

"Fine by me" He says and dismounts.

~Rodeo Time~

Me and Cole headed to the arena with Ruby, scene  Cole wasn't doing any rodeo events that involved riding he didn't have to bring Aztec.

"Steer wrestling is up next after the pledge." The announcer boomed throughout the stadium. "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all." Everyone in the stadium said. "Now our prayer Our Gracious and Heavenly Father, We pause in the midst of this festive occasion, mindful and thoughtful of the guidance that you have given us. We would ask today, Lord, that you be with us in this rodeo arena as we pray you will be also with us in life's arena. Amen! Let's get this rodeo started. Starting us off... Rain Stilinski." The announcer said.

"Hey." Cole said and grabbed my hand before I jumped on Ruby.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Good luck." He said and kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see ya at the chutes!" He said and started walking towards the chutes.

"Cole and Rain sitting in a tree!!" Waylon yelled as he and his horse trooper walked up to me.

"Wow. Your a brat you know that." I said and blushed.

"And you still 'love' me." He said and grinned.

"Whatever I've got to go." I said.

"Good luck." He said then tried kissing my cheek too trying to mock Cole.

"Wow and thanks."

Cole smiled and walked away.

I got the box. Ruby was getting ready to run, she was trying to rear and bolt but I just kept doing my one rein stop. The guy by the chutes nodded and I nodded back. And the cow went flying. I kicked Ruby pushing her to catch the cow. We were lining up with the cow and I took my feet out of my sturips and started leaning then I seen the horns and grabbed em'. I started pushing against the way the cow was going with my boots and then with all my strength I pulled it's body around and flipped it onto it's opposite side. Then let go.

"Would you looky there a great time of 4.21! Let's give it up too Rain Stilinski!!" The announcer yelled.
I tipped my hat with a huge smile on my face and went and caught Ruby.

"Great looking horse!" Said a guy who had caught Ruby while I was messing with the steers.

"Haha thank you!" I said and jumped on her and loped out.

I went to my trailer and tied Ruby up. I noticed that my arm was bugging me. I lifted up my selves and seen some blood, the cow got me with its horn.

"Hey great run." Some one had said behind me.

I quickly put my sleeve back down and turned. It was Austin. "Thanks." I said and gave Ruby some treats.

"Look I just want to talk. I made a awful decision and I'm paying for it. I've felt crappy all day. I just-"

"First off we're at a Rodeo this is our job, your shouldn't be that drunk unless you can handle it like Waylon. Second why did you kiss me. We've been friends. FRIENDS!! For years. We tried dating once and what happened we broke up because we didn't want to loose our friendship!"

"Yeah and I'm sorry! I admit I was wrong! I know I was. I don't even remember kissing you! All I remember is having some drinks with Waylon before you and Cole got there!"

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