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Taking a drag of a cigarette my body instantly started to relaxed as I felt the effects seeping through my veins. There was only two things in my life that could calm me down this quickly. A smoke and my wife.

And my wife wasn't with me right now so a smoke was going to have to do.

Smoking was something I only did when I needed to relax and get my head back on straight. After everything that had just went down a few minutes ago I believe I deserved it.

At twenty-four I was now one of the youngest ruling members of a crime family in our world. With it came trouble and challenges that I had to be ready for around every corner. Today had brought one of those challenges and just like every single one before it, I had handled it with the harsh reality of our world.


It was something I was all to familiar with now and something I would be seeing for the rest of my life. This was the reality of my life and it was something I had grown up with. From the moment I was born my dad didn't try and hide any of this from me. While some children of crime families struggled with the reality of it all,  I was already well aware of what went down.

What was expected of me.

Holding my cigarette between my lips I looked down at my knuckles. They were busted open and bloodied, it was just another thing I was all to familiar with. It wasn't to long since they had last healed over too and I knew in the long run it was going to do me some serious damage.

There was a plan for the long run. The more I was on the frontlines now the more the others would start to realise I wasn't going to be one to sit back and watch the mayhem in front of me. Slowly I would start to slip back so in turn when I actually did show up, my presence alone was going to be enough to make a impact.

My aim was to make sure they feared my presence in any given situation. I wanted my enemies to know that if I showed up they will know they have fucked up for the last time.

I needed to show them who the new King was now and they needed to start getting used to it. I might be younger than most but I was far more experienced than what they would expect.

And I wasn't alone.

Lyra was right by my side no matter what choice I made and frankly that was all I needed to feel like I could take over the world. My father had once told me who ever had Lyra on their side there basically guaranteed to win a war.

So far my father had been right. He had also found that out himself when he had crossed her two years ago. I had warned him what would happen and that I didn't want any part in it but he just didn't listen.

Even my own father couldn't turn me against Lyra.

Nothing could.

With Lyra's information I was also able to handle another situation that could've been a hell of a lot worse if it wasn't for my wife.

Lyra had taken a back set to this world to look after our new born boy Reagan and to focus on her own Empire. Then again even though she said she wasn't involved she kept on top of everything and found out things that others could only dream off. When Lyra says she's taking a backseat to something that doesn't mean she doesn't know everything that is going on before it even happens. It just means she isn't getting her own hands dirty in the situation.

She says sometimes it was like watching her favourite tv show. She wanted to know what was going to happen but that didn't mean she was in the middle of it.

I never questioned where she got her information, there was no need to. I fully trusted her and she trusted me.

We were family and a team and that's all we needed to rule.

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