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Lyra sat across from me in silence as I explained everything that I had found out last night. Her face gave nothing away but I knew she was running a million scenarios and outcomes in that mind of hers.

Nothing would get past her, nothing ever would.

We were currently sitting in my office with her sitting across from me. Every few seconds I could feel my eyes drifting over to the screens on the walls as I talked. In the middle of Reagan's room stood the nanny as she fed him with a bottle. Even though there was a guard standing at the door my nerves were still on edge with someone else looking after him.

"Will you stop that." Complained Lyra but I could see the amusement in her cunning eyes. "Reagan will be fine, do you not trust me?"

Her question caught me off guard and it made my eyes snap away at the screen and look directly at my wife. She knew what she was doing when she had asked me such a question.

"That's a stupid fucking question and I'm not even going to answer it."

Lyra let out a short laugh as my expense and she got more comfortable in her seat. "Then trust my judgement and that I've done my homework."

Her remark hardly hit my ears as I glanced back at the screen at the new nanny. She didn't seem to be a threat and she definitely seemed to know what she was doing with Reagan. Unlike the guard who looked like he wanted to throw up when she changed his nappy earlier.

"What's her name?"

"Ms Linda Roberts, she's fifty-two years old and a widow for the last five years and has three grown up children of her own. Don't worry I've done my homework on them too, the kids are as normal as they come they probably don't know about the time of families that Linda has worked for before."

Glancing at Linda she looked like any normal fifty-two year old woman but there was something that told me she was more than capable of handling herself. The way she held herself and scolded the guard for being such a baby when he had wanted to throw up was something I could probably get used too.

It reminded me of my own mom.

"Ok then." I said agree with her choice even though Lyra didn't give me anymore details.

If my wife said she had done her homework then I was confident to know she had done a damn good job of it.

Lyra raised her eyebrow at me clearly not expecting me to drop my guard that quick. "You sure changed your tone quick."

Shrugging my shoulders I turned my attention back to her. "The guards are always going to be close by and I trust you to know that you haven't left any stone uncovered."

"Good." Agreed Lyra before her eyes got serious once more. "So why don't we talk about the ones that actually want to threaten our son."

Our son.

Those two words were something that could forever put a smile to my face when I heard them from her lips.

"So what are you thinking?" My first reaction was to always hear what Lyra was thinking about the situation. I had already gave her the low down of what has happened and what I had heard. Now it was only a matter of time before Lyra put a plan into place.

"I think we should let the Italian's play this out for a bit." There was a slight frown on Lyra face as she went deep into thought. She was now in her own world and nothing else would matter.

"You want to give them edge?"

Lyra scoffed and gave me a pointed look. "When do I ever let someone actually have the upper hand." She remarked waving me off. "We're just going to let them think their plan is getting set up when really we'll be in the background waiting for it to crumble." 

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