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"I want to know who the fuck them men were and I want to know now." Back in my car my anger and frustration was starting to come out in full force.

Looking down at the clock I seen it was five in the morning. The firefighters had only managed to get the building under control an hour ago and they were yet to work out the damage.

The damage frankly was done and Lyra already knew she was going to have to rip down the whole thing and rebuild. Not that it bothered her one bit to do that, what bothered her was the fact that these people had no where to go or sleep for the night.

Just as that concern had left her lips she had woken some of her own people and started renting out hotels and setting up support areas. Her mind was running wild and I decided to leave her to it.

She had worried about leaving Reagan for so long but I reassured her that these people needed her more than Reagan did right now and that I would head home to check on him.

Which was where I was going right now.

"Riker-" but I cut Zane off before he could continue.

"Where's Zoe? She's normally all over this shit." For the first time my mind popped to the five foot girl who was normally the first to find out everything.

"That's what I trying to say. Zoe has went into labour, she's in the hospital right now." Responded Zane sounding tired and just done with life.

Suddenly my whole mind cut off from the thoughts of tonight and went straight too Zoe and the fact that she was giving birth right now.

"What? Why didn't she tell us? Lyra is going to murder her for not telling her." I looked down at the dash like I could see Zane standing in front of me.

"She heard the fire on the news just as she had reached the hospital and knew that you guys would already know by that point. Which by the way I had to bring her to because she was at Anarchy when her contractions started."

"Why the hell was she at Anarchy? I told her to stay at home till the baby came." Even my own voice sounded annoying in my own head.

Just because I told Zoe to do something didn't mean she was going to do it.

It was like all the woman in my life.

"Do you need me to answer that question?" Responded Zane with a flat tone knowing fine rightly my mind had giving me my own answer.

Everything in my body was telling me to hunt down these men and rip their lives apart.

Ten minutes ago I was telling my men to find them and find them now but Lyra had stopped me. She told me that, that was what the Giudice family wanted and that we needed to calm down.

Just moments before that I had seen tears in her eyes over the lives these men had ripped apart. These men had brought sadness to the surface of a woman who I never thought could be broke in that way.

Just the sight of her had brought an anger to me I never knew I had. These people had tore down everything she had built for this City all because they wanted to get to me.

Was I fuck about to sit around and just let them do that to my wife.

"Riker, I think we should let this settle for the night." Zane tone softened and even he knew we needed to let it go for at least one day. "Lyra is literally fighting a fire, Zoe is about to give birth and Kate is stressed the fuck out because she doesn't know who to go too."

He was right, we needed to be there for them even if they would never say it out loud.

Taking a deep breath I calmed my ragging anger and locked it away for another day. These men would regret what they've done but there was other things that needed to be dealt with right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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