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There was somethings that people had doubts about no matter how curtain something seemed, but there was one thing that no one could doubt.

That was the fact that Lyra was the best street racer to ever come from this City.

Even with months of being away from this scene, I watched her drive in front of me in awe of how skillfully she handled everything thrown her way.

With Damon trying every cheep shot, from basically almost wiping them both out, to me taking every short cut on the map. Lyra through read them all easily and countered anything that we threw at her.

She knew what we were going to do before we even made the move.

That was a skill she was born with and it was something no one would ever take away from her.

"Fucking bitch." Screamed Damon through the screen on my dash as Lyra easily swerved out of the way of him almost pushing her off the road.

"That's your sister you're talking about there." I commented half heartily not really paying attention to him but focusing completely on Lyra.

You could never take your attention away from her, if you did then there was no chance of you keeping up.

Not that there was much of one to begin with.

"That's why I can fucking call her it." Growled out Damon as he tried to get his car under control after it was thrown off line because of Lyra's move. Even though Lyra was infamous for her driving no one could doubt that Damon could drive just as well.

The problem was for him was that Lyra was just smarter. She knew how to use her surrounding in every move she made, there wasn't one thing that woman did without thinking it through and picking the option with the best outcome for her.

What I didn't expect from her was to slam her breaks in front of both me and Damon making us follow her lead down a narrow road.

"What the fuck!" Shouted Damon but there was no annoyance on his face. Even he knew his sister wouldn't have done something like that without reason.

As our cars came to a stand still I watched for a spilt second as Lyra got out of her car, her eyes were zoned on something in front of her. It wasn't until I followed her lead and got out of my car that I spotted what she was looking at.

Behind a couple of buildings there was a cloud of smoke coming from something a couple of blocks over. Now that I knew what I was looking at I could smell the faint smell off smoke, something that I thought was just my tires from earlier.

"Shit." Came Lyra's whispered voice before she rushed back into her car. Me and Damon looked at each other in understanding before following Lyra's lead and getting back into our cars too.

Before I could even speed off Lyra was already half way down the road following the burning blaze that was now coming into sight. The sky was lit up in an orange glow as the building started to come into sight. I could swear the flames were creeping higher and higher the closer we got.

"What the fuck..." I trailed off looking at the approximately twenty story building that was in flames from the bottom.

As we got closer Lyra's car seemed to get further and further away until we were right in front of it. We were as close to it as the firefighters and cops would allow us.

All the surrounding buildings were cornered off with people surrounding the streets, screaming and chattering amongst themselves. Their eyes were just as fixed on the building as I was. For a moment I wondered how I hadn't been informed of this situation in the City until I remembered that I had switched my phone on silent the second I had rocked up to the races.

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