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"You have fun last night?"

My comment didn't seem to faze Lyra as she walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. A grin slowly creeped up her face as she closed the fridge again and leaned against it watching me feed Reagan with a bottle.

"Did Zoe rat me out?" She asked sounding amused but her eyes kept glancing between me and Reagan who was in my arms.

"No actually, Kate told Zane who in turn told me."

Lyra rolled her electric blue eyes looking amused and took a sip from the bottle. "You all gossip like old woman."

Looking down at Reagan when he started to squirm in my arms I noticed that he had finished the bottle. "There's definitely nothing wrong with his appetite."

Lyra let out a laugh as she set the bottle down on the table and walking over to us. Reaching out she grabbed Reagan while hitting me on my stomach with the back of her hand. "A bit like his dad."

Watching her hold him up in the air rubbing her nose against his making these stupid baby noises made my heart swell. From going to a world so dark and dangerous to something like this always showed the two completely different sides to my world.

"How's the leg?" Asked Lyra with a pointed look and I knew instantly I wasn't going to get away with that one.

"Did Kate rat me out?" I asked using her own words against her.

"No actually, Zoe did this time." She laughed as continued to make weird faces as Reagan getting him to smile. The sight of the two of them made me smile even more.

"Now who gossips like old woman?" I pointed out folding my arms across my chest I seen how she eyed me from corner of her eye as my muscles flexed at the movement.

"Not gossiping, just passing on information."

Before I could say anything Linda walked into the kitchen and her whole face lit up when she seen Lyra and Reagan. Her greying hair was tied up in a near bun on top of her head making her features stand out. For a moment it made me frown, she definitely looked familiar.

"How's the handsome boy today?" She asked as she reached out for him and Lyra gladly handed him over.

"Good he actually slept properly last night and Riker's just fed him." At the sound of my name Linda turned my way and scowled at the sight of me.

"I thought I told you to learn some manners boy." It took everything in me to not let my jaw drop at her. Every time I seen her this was all she said to me and it was always for one reason or another.

"I legit haven't said anything to you." I complained and even I could hear the whining in my voice like I was a child all over again. I could see Lyra try to hide her laughter behind her hand and I sent a glare her way.

Over the last few weeks I've gotten used to Linda being around and fully welcomed her into my home. There was no doubt in my mind she wasn't a threat to my family but that didn't mean for what ever reason she liked to try and put me in my place.

Linda was probably the only person outside our circle that dared to talk to me in such a way. Of course Lyra just found it the funniest thing she's ever seen.

She found it even funnier when I complained to her every time Linda left for the day.

"That's why boy, you didn't greet me when I came into your home."

Pointing at Lyra like a child I made a point. "She didn't greet you either."

"Actually I did." Remarked Lyra completely throwing me under the bus with a smile. "I was the one that let her in, she was just putting her stuff away while I came in here."

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