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Lyra's POV

Life is a funny thing.

You think that one day their will be peace, that's what everyone ever says when there is a hard moment in your life. That whatever you are going through in that moment will finish and you can have a break and life will be 'peaceful'.


Frankly if laugh anytime I hear the word.

There's no such thing as peace no matter what type of life you live.

You just learn to live with the hand that you have been dealt with. Soon enough that very thing that was your biggest worry in the world is just another day that you now know how to cope with.

More than cope with really, you've learnt how survive it, how to beat it, how to conquer it.

Then you don't even notice it anymore because you've changed to adapt to it. By learning to adapt to those situations you've become a better version of yourself that you could never have imagined before.

That was the one thing I took pride in myself with.

I was good at adapting to whatever situation I was thrown with and I was a master of conquering those situations.

The one thing about me was that I always made sure I came out on top.

Looking around the office that wasn't mine I could get a sense of the type of man Dante Giudice was. From how everything on the office seemed to have a place, to how the furniture all lined up. He was the type of man that liked control, someone who wanted to show the word that he was the one in charge.

There was one thing I noticed about this room that made him different from me or Riker.

He didn't trust those that were around him.

With the help of Zoe I was able to easily get into the hideout without so much as a glance my way. Zoe had unlocked every door and switched off ever security camera that lead to this point. It was almost unnatural how many locks where in this place and they weren't a simple key and a lock.

No they were all electronically controlled, state of the art and I was sure it wasn't just to try and keep someone like me away.

It was also to stop his own men from snooping.

Of course something like that was a bigger weakness when Zoe was on our side and he was yet to register just who he was up against.

Those locks were no match for Zoe and her tricks.

As I sat in his office chair I noticed the letter opener sitting on the table and lifted it, inspecting the initials engraved on it.


Lorenzo Giudice.

Rolling my eyes I flipped the knife in my hand a few times growing bored of waiting.

"Is there any sign of him yet?" I asked knowing that Zoe was on the other side of the ear piece in my ear.

"Yea he's coming now, sorry I was doing something for Kate." Responded Zoe sounded excited about what ever it was she was doing. "She just saved the boys asses again thanks to you."

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