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"What are we doing here?" Damon asked as he looked around him and took in the sights that now graced our presence. He was driving in the car behind me with the screen on our dashboards letting us talk freely.

My car slowly made it's way through the crowd heads turning our way making people fall into a silence as they stopped and stared. It was currently midnight and this was when the races started at full force in the city.

It used to be that everyone was on standby to make a quick get away at the first sign of the cops but now it was completely different. Lyra had struck up some kind of deal with the City not long after she took over her father's empire. As long as they stuck to this side of the city and away from any houses they were free to do what they wanted out here in the open.

Lyra would always have more power than anyone would ever know.

"Don't act like you don't want to be here." My voice sounded far away even to my own ears but I was to focused on trying to find Zoe that I didn't care.

"I never said I didn't." Agreed Damon not even denying it. "I just don't understand why we are here."

"Your sister is here tonight."

"What?" Responded Damon not even looking like he was sure on what he should be saying. "I thought when she stepped away the last time that was it."

"Do you really believe your sister could stay away from something like this?"

He didn't answer because we both knew the answer to that question without having to say it. There was no way Lyra would even walk away from this scene. There would be times when she didn't have the time for it but she would never walk away from it.

She would always make her way back no matter how much time past.

Finally I got to the center of all the commotion and there stood Zoe and Lyra. Lyra was leaning against the front of her R8 and I noticed that she had changed a few things on it. There was no doubt on my mind Lyra was ready to race.

Zoe was currently sitting in the drivers seat of the car as she hooked up her tablet to it clearly checking to make sure everything was in working order. Her baby bump making it harder for her to maneuver around but that didn't seem to bother her as she worked away.

As my car creeped closer I noticed that Lyra was talking away to Finn. He was Lyra's oldest brothers best friend from childhood, he was the one in charge of all the races. In fact I would go as far as saying this whole operation was his. There was nothing that happened here without his say.

It didn't take long for Lyra to notice my car as I stopped it beside her own with her brother's parking beside mine. She had sent a grin my way but never stopped talking to Finn, they were clearly in the middle of something.

As I got out of my car I took in the sight in front of me. Lyra was wearing ripped black jeans and heeled boots. Her white top was low cut with a leather jacket thrown over the top. Her hair was thrown into a high ponytail with lose strands falling stylishly over her face. With her hair tied up you got see the numerous ear rings in her ears as they reflexed against the street lights.

All in all I was one lucky man.

Lyra was the type of woman that looked like she could burn your ass with words in the office during the day and then at night the type of woman that could kick your ass up and down the street.

What did surprise me though was the fact that she had brought out the R8. After what had happened to the original, that car had almost been the death of her. For a moment dread had hit my stomach with what could have happened that night but I knew better than to think about the past.

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