The Second Confrontation

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Have a gift of another chapter that I totally didn't waste class time on to do 😃

Leafy's POV
I woke up to hugging Firey's pillow tightly, and was confused.
Did..did last night not happen?
I looked on the ground, and there he slept, sound asleep.
"H-hey Firey. Fireyyyy" I poked him.
"Huh? Good morning Leafy." He stretched, and looked at me. "What's up?"
"Did...did we do anything last night?"
"Last night? No. We just slept. Why?"
"Oh..just wondering."
"Well, I'm gonna get up." He rose up, and pulled some clothes out of the closet, throwing them at me.
"Firey?! Why?!" I burst out laughing.
"O-oh!! My bad! I'm just used to throwing my clothes on my bed!" He ran over and grabbed his clothes.
"It's ok! Well, I'm gonna get going, I need to get ready too." I said, getting out of the bed.
"Alright Leafy, I'll meet you outside so we can walk."
I smiled, and walked out.
As we walked to school together, I wanted to hold his hand again.
The weather was slowly changing anyways,so he wouldn't think of it as weird right?
"Hey Firey?"
"Can we hold hands again?"
"You want to...hold hands again?"
"Sorry..forget I asked."
"No!! That's not what I meant. Of course we can." He grabbed my hand, and our fingers intertwined.
I felt my cheeks become warm, and I smiled.
Walking into the school, he let go of my hand, and walked away from me. I went ahead and walked to pin and everyone else at the band table.
"Hey guys!" I said to everyone as i sat down.
"Hey leafy." Coiny said.
"How was your night with Firey?" Pin asked, smirking.
"Excuse me?" I laughed awkwardly.
"Well? You spent the night with Firey. How'd it go?"
"It was fine! We just slept!"
"Oh did you now?" Needle said.
"Yes!" I laughed, and rubbed my arm.
"He's really nice actually, he let me sleep on his bed and he slept on the floor."
"Leafy, I think he likes you." Needle replied.
"I second that." Pin added.
"I think he's just trying to be nice. Besides, I don't think he likes me in that way."
"So you admit to liking him?" Coiny asked, his hands on his face.
"W-well I-" I was cut off by yelling in the distance.
We all turned, to see Firey arguing with Puffball. People quickly ran over to surround them, and I got up too.
"Leafy, I don't think it's a good-" Pin started.
"Shh. Let me hear." I said, walking over slowly.
Pin and Coiny got up as well, and followed behind me. Needle and Teardrop stayed behind.

Firey's POV
"What's the issue? All I said is I don't love you anymore!" I yelled, keeping my distance from Puffball. I didn't want to get near her.
"YOU are the issue!" Puffball yelled back, fists clenched. "YOU didn't even try in this relationship!"
"Oh I didn't try? WHO TRIED TO DRUG ME?"
She fell silent, before recollecting herself.
"I was just trying to help you! They weren't drugs Firey. It was a Painkiller."
"Damn right it was. I'm not an idiot."
"See everyone? He's trying to make me the bad guy here! I'm not the bad guy! He's cheating on me anyways!"
Everyone gasped, and turned their attention onto me.
"I have never cheated on you, or anyone in my life. Where the hell did you get that idea?"
"A little birdie told me you slept with Leafy. And you've been since the year started."
I stood there in shock.
"I did not sleep with Leafy."
"You're lying!"
Suddenly everyone was yelling at me,
They believed her.
I felt everything close in on me, my world was falling apart.
Just as I was about to fall and give up, the yelling at me was broken.
"Everyone shut up!" Someone yelled from the back.
Everyone moved away, and Leafy came forward into the circle, throwing her backpack at Pin.
"I did not sleep with Firey." She said, turning her attention towards me. She smiled.
"And why would we believe you?" Puffball asked, crossing her arms.
"Just because you're popular, doesn't mean you're automatically right."
I heard murmurs from multiple people.
"That's true actually..we never asked her for proof." I heard someone from behind me whisper.
"You think because you're so big and bad, that nobody will catch on to your lies." Leafy added, staring Puffball down.
"And who's to say I'm lying?" Puffball asked, slowly putting her hair up.
"I say you're lying. You're an abusive, toxic, lying bitch."
Puffball tried to lunge towards Leafy, but I grabbed leafy and held her back.
"Stop! Don't hurt her!" I yelled.
"No! Let me at her!" Puffball yelled back, grabbing Leafy's hair, and pulling it hard.
Leafy yelped in pain, and I let her go.
She went for Puffball's hair too, and wrapped her hand around it, before pulling it down.
Pin ran into the Circle, and pulled leafy away before puffball could get back up.
I sat in the Band room, waiting for leafy to show up.
She got called down to the office, I hope she didn't get in trouble.
I heard from Pencil that Puffball was quickly suspended for a week, who knows what Leafy got.
"Hey Fire boy." Autumn called.
"Hm? Yea?" I turned to him, and he showed me his phone.
"Leafy sent it to me."
It was a text.
(L) - I'm not in trouble because I defended myself by fighting back, but it turns out I ripped some of her extensions out. I'm gonna be late to class so they can check on me and make sure I'm ok.
"Puffball has extensions?" I asked.
"Guess so. Either way at least Leafy's ok. I heard actually you helped her."
"I wouldn't consider it helping. All I did was pull her back when she was gonna get swung at."
"Well that did help."
"What do you mean?"
"Are you listening to yourself? She was about to get hit, and you pulled her away from it."
"Well yes, but then she got her hair pulled."
"You still helped her by pulling her away from getting punched."
"I...I guess you're right."
"Of course I'm right. Now go get your instrument. We're about to start."
Leafy finally came back just as class was ending. Jazz band was cancelled, so her and I walked home together.
"Hey Firey, I never thanked you."
"Actually Leafy, I never thanked YOU."
"What do you mean?"
"You put all that pressure that was on me and pushed it all onto yourself. You basically saved my reputation."
"Oh..well I appreciate you a lot, and I would hate if something bad happened to you."
"Thank you though."
Leafy smiled. And hugged me tight.
"It's really nothing Firey."
I felt that fuzzy feeling again.
I hugged her back, and rested my head on hers.
The rest of the way home, I continued to feel something.
Was it nervousness?
I felt safe with her.
We spent the rest of the day practicing for the next competition coming up in a couple days, and it all went well.
Leafy invited Pin and Coiny over, along with Teardrop and Needle.
Bubble has been hanging out with Match lately, so she wasn't coming.
But everyone else was coming over for a movie/sleepover.
Leafy excitedly pulled a movie up, and ran to make popcorn and threw some other things in the oven.
Meanwhile, I sat on the couch, but I felt the need to get up and go to her.
"Oh! Hey Firey! Sorry I'm taking so long, I'm just getting some snacks and stuff ready."
"Oh that's ok. I just wanted to see if you needed any help."
"I'm good, but thanks for asking."
Once she was done, she turned to me, and walked over.
She hugged me once more, and looked up at me.
"You're very warm, sorry." She giggled.
"Everyone tells me that, you're fine." I laughed.
I ran my fingers through her hair, and just as I was going to pull her in, the doorbell rang.
"Oh!! That's them!!" Leafy said, and ran to open the door.
"Next time. Next time I'll do it. And I'll tell her." I whispered to myself, and walked over to greet everyone.
So I felt nice, and wrote this for y'all real quick.
I like how last chapter came out, it made me feel happy. This one makes me feel happy too ehehe
1444 Words

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