Watch The Sunset With Me

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I gift you all with an extra long chapter (:

"Leafyyyyy..wake uppppp.." I nudged her slightly. She groaned, stretching.
"What...what's wrong Firey...what...what time is it?"
"It's...7am. We gotta get going love."
"Get going..? Get going where?"
I turned on the room lights, going back to her to give her a kiss.
"I have something planned for us today dear. Hurry. We have to get there as early as possible."
My car was thankfully out from the shop finally, I had to take it in to get the airbags fixed. I don't know what happened, one day they just went off. I guess it was just a defect, because the fix was free.
They delivered it to my moms house last night, so i was happy.
I went to the bathroom to shower, and I could hear the speaker turn on in Leafy's room, and music started playing.
That girl was something all right.

Leafy's POV

As I waited for Firey to come out, I excitedly made the bed, and cleaned up my room a little bit.
I had no idea where he was taking me...he could be taking me anywhere!
He walked back in my room, drying his hair with the towel. He..seemed to be shivering.
" look cold.." I walked over to him, placing my hands on his cheeks. They were freezing.
He couldn't stay cold for too long, he gets hypothermia super easily. He's had many close calls before, I didn't want it to happen ever again. It hasn't happened yet in our time we've spent together, but I wanted to prevent it as much as I could.
"I-I'm..f-fine. Just gonna warm up. Go shower." He said, putting a jacket on.
I nodded, grabbing some clothes, and walking to the bathroom.
I opened the medicine cabinet, and noticed a couple of the bottles were out of place....including the..he..did he go though it?
I had everything put in a specific spot. Why would he look in here?
I told him not to... his defense though..if you tell someone not to look at something, they're not gonna listen to you.
I shook it off, at least the ones he didn't know about weren't moved.
Did he..
Nahhhhhhh, he would've asked me about it by now.
I quickly showered, and grabbed my blow dryer, taking it to my room.
Firey sat on my bed still, shaking.
"Firey. Over here baby." I tapped my hand on a chair I had.
He got up, and stumbled over to the chair, still shivering. He was close to losing consciousness. I was starting to getting worried.
I plugged the blow dryer in, and turned it on the hottest setting. I started drying his hair as fast as I could, and as he came back in full consciousness, I had him hold the dryer. I had a mini heater in my room. I turned it on, bringing it close to him.
I also had a heated blanket, and plugged that in as well, wrapping him up in it.
I took the dryer back, and continued to dry his hair, fluffing it up.
"I..I should've..told you..I..I wasn't..ok.." he struggled to talk, and I turned the dryer off, hugging him.
"Don't worry about're ok now..right?"
"For the..most part..I just need to be here for a little longer.."
We shared a small kiss, and I placed my hands on his cheeks.
His mom told me if he was showing signs or struggling with hypo, to feel his cheeks. If they were colder than normal, then I'd have to warm him up as quickly as possible.
Right now, they were thankfully warm again.
He started blushing, and giggled. So cute..
"You're so pretty..thank you again Leafy.."
"Oh it's really nothing.."
"Leafy..If I'm not careful..I can literally die..I should've told you right away I was getting cold..and yet I didn't.."
"Firey..what matters is that I caught on and helped you."
He smiled, and opened his arms, and I hugged him tightly.
"How did I get so lucky with you?" He smiled.
"What do you mean? I'm just helping you!"
"Well..yea..and that's why you mean so much to always want to help.."
He got up, still a little shaky, and stretched.
"You all warmed up?" I asked, switching the blanket off.
"Yea! I'm all good now!"
He grabbed and picked me up, spinning me around.
I giggled in excitement, and he stopped, hugging me once more.
"Alright..let's get ready, we have a long drive ahead of us." He carefully put me down, and I looked at him confused.
"Long drive? You have a car?"
"Yea! It's just been out for repair all this time, but it was delivered yesterday!"
"Oh!! How great! Where are we going?"
" does the beach sound to you?"
"It sounds like fun!! What are we going to do?"
"Hang out, just the 2 of us. And I have something special for evening. Now come on! Let's get ready!"

Brought together by Music : Fireafy (REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now