Chapter 27

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Erika's P.O.V. 

When I walked beside Kage, I felt at peace- no, home, if you will. Yes, I felt at home next to him even though we were walking down the halls of a nightmare.

"When did you realize you loved me?" I asked, breaking our comfortable silence as we slowly made our way back to the nurse's office

"The day I first loved you or the day I realize what love was?" He chuckled.

"The second one," I said softly. He paused for a moment, breaking eye contact to think but returning just a second later.

"The day you were given shocks. I told them to put me on the table instead because watching that happen to you made me feel like I was being ripped in two," His tone got more serious and sincere as he explained. After a moment like that, his face lit back up as he continued, "Now the day I started to fall in love with you was the day we met. The nurse? Scared as hell. You? You had so much confidence opening my door and your eyes... your god damn eyes... they're like steel." He laughed to himself making me smile and look down at the floor.

"I mean you weren't all that scary, I could take you," I teased. 

"Well what about you, snow bear?" I took a deep breath and searched my mind for the best answer I could give him. I felt silly about this all now; we have so much history in such a short amount of time. 

"I realized I loved you the first night I slept in your room; when I told you that I couldn't be your girlfriend because of everything that was going on then." I smiled to myself, "I fell in love when you said "I was sleeping, asshole" to that nurse. I don't know what it was, something in me was just attracted to you before I even knew you." We laughed together and he bit his lip.

"Physically or emotionally?" 

"Well physically, no I-"

"WHAT? What's NOT attractive about mean I mean like cmon now," He started showing off as we laughed together.

"I'm just kidding... but I was just kinda drawn to you. I guess I've always just had a thing for mysteries and darkness." I clarified and squeezed his hand gently.

"You're adorable." He mumbled through his grin, "You know I'm going to make you my wife someday right?" I nodded.

"We seem to be destined at this point." It was nice having this fun and light energy surrounding us. We really needed it.


When we got back, we gave the small bags to the nurses and we were left at the small table from earlier.

"Can you promise me something?" Kage nodded with a slightly concerned look on this face, something he always did when something like that was said, "Promise me, you won't hurt anyone. That I'll come to visit you and won't get the news that you injured or murdered someone while I was gone."

"I promise," he whispered, not breaking our intense stare like he was actually having to think about the repercussions of breaking this promise. We were interrupted when a stack of papers and files dropped between us on the table, making a loud thud that turned heads.

"I'm sure these reports will show the bullshit of that promise, Baker," Banks said, putting her hands on her hips and staring at us. I watched as Kage looked down at his lap and fiddled with his hands. I know he isn't proud of this past but this is ridiculous...

"You bitch," I said earning many gasps from throughout the room but I was over her shit. Banks stared down at me in shock.

"We were having a private conversation that didn't concern you. You had absolutely no right to-"

"Would you just shut up? I was talking to him and I'm sitting right here. There's nothing private about it," I said, annoyed, which seemed to infuriate Banks even more. That comment earned me about 15 gasps from around the room but I was over it.

"You lost your rights when your drug-addicted mother sent you here and he gave up his when he almost killed Devyn Clark!"

"I'm her mother, Mrs.Banks. I adopted her days ago and if you plan on speaking to my daughter like that we will most certainly have a problem here. I can and should have fired you years ago," Katherine emerged and cut in the middle of us. She placed her hand on both Kage and I's shoulders to keep up planted in our seats. I glanced over to him to see him staring at me all wide-eyed.

"And I suppose you have some excuse for that neanderthal?" She gestured over to Kage, testing Katherine to see how far she would go to defend us.

"Kage is a good person who has problems just like the rest of us! His are being handled differently as I know for a fact he will never hurt another person again." She shouted.

 Banks grunted in defeat and glared at me like I was the reason she has a stick up her ass.

"Erika, we should get going. I'm sorry Kage." 

"I understand. Can I have a minute with her before you go?" He asked. I was honestly surprised how low and soothing his voice was considering there was an opportunity to get angry... I know I did. Katherine nodded and Kage stood up, taking my hand and leading me out into the empty hall. 

Without saying a word, we immediately latched onto each other like today was our last day together. His arms were tight around my waist and I could feel the tears start to form at the corners of my eyes. I couldn't control it. 

"Don't be sad please, I'll see you again soon," Kage mumbled, resting his chin on the top of my head. He pulled away and smiled to comfort me.

"I miss you so much," I whined, grabbing his shirt and pulling myself into his chest. His hands were gently rubbing my back.

I wasn't going to let myself cry. I cried enough for the both of us when I was being taken out of here in the first place.

"I miss you too, snow bear," that pet name he used made me smile a bit and broke the sadness surrounding us.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Kage."

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