Chapter 12

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~Three Days Later~

I sat up briefly in my hospital bed before the nurses ran in to lay me back down... I had a feeding tube attatched to me.

To explain the situation a little, the head doctors from out of state heard about the "phenomenon" that is Kage and I. They separated us and wont let us see each other until they finish their sick evaluation. 

I have no idea how Kage is doing but to put it shortly, I haven't been doing great.

I stopped eating and lost way too much weight. Since I'm small, they were already watching my weight to begin with so you can imagine what they did when they saw me rapidly losing more and more. Now, I'm basically sedentary in a hospital bed, hooked up to a feeding tube until I gain some weight.

The nurses that were checking my vitals helped me up so I could stand on their scale and then sat me back down. 

"She's down two pounds... how is she still losing weight?" The first one said.

"Stress.. I told that damn Dr. Jefferon that this would happen." I heard Ms.Miller say as she unhooked me from all the devices. She then took my hand and helped me sit up.

"Would it make you feel better if I took you to see Kage? You can't talk to him but I can show you how he's doing" She explained. I nodded happily and tried standing up, failing and falling back down due to dizziness. 

"Katherine, you can't do that." Nurse Banks said. Ms.Miller helped me up again and looked over at her. 

"And if she loses five more pounds she'll be dead so move out of my way."

We walked down the hallway to the elevator and descended down three levels to a floor I've never been on before..

She took me into a small room with a two way mirror, I was on the window side. I could see Kage sitting on a table on the other side.. it was like an interrogation room. His hands bloody with a small pool of blood on the ground next to him.

"He can't hear me? Or see me?" I asked as I placed my hand on the glass.

"No, he can't" 

"I love him so much Ms.Miller. I know that I shouldn't be in love with 'someone like him' but I am and I can't help it.

"I understand, Erika." I turned to look at her.

"Do you? You know what its like to be thrown in a metal hospital because you were being beaten at home and fall in love with a serial assulter just for him the reject you because you can't tell him that the fucking psychiatrist is probably going to rape you the next time he sees you? Wow I'm glad you know what it's like." Ms.Miller was speechless. She bit her lip and wiped the tears from my eyes as I started to break down.

"You don't deserve to be in here, Erika. you are a good person and if I could fix this I would." She could only stutter those two sentences. I guess my words affected her so much that she was on the brink of tears. 

"I know you want to talk to him, Erika, but there's only one day left in this stupid experiment."

"That's one day too long"

Ms.Miller placed her hands on my shoulders and pulled me into a small hug. It's amazing how she's become such a mother figure in my life.. I know that she would protect me or at least do everything in her power to do so. 

And it's true... I was beaten at home. When I threatened to call the police, they took my phone away. When I threatened to tell the school, they took me out and put me in here. I guess I'm attracted to that kind of violence so when I found Kage, it felt like home... better than home. At home I've never felt any sort of love or compassion...

"I told them Dr.Finch was a creep. Erika I need your help to get him fired... that includes a written statement of everything he's done to you..." She said. I simply just nodded because at this point, almost anything is better than how it is now.

Kage's P.O.V.

I sat atop a cold, metal table. My hands, probably broken from punching the walls, were all bloody; the sound of it dripping onto the floor was deafening  compared to the silent room. 

I haven't seen Erika in three days and they wont even tell me how she's doing. For some fucking reason they think I'm dumb and will fall for the "who's Erika?" act. The sad part is that this is what they want but I can't help it... after being with her for so long and just suddenly getting her taken away from me without even a goodbye I-...

I've attacked four doctors who've tried to come in, two of them stabbed me with a tranquilizer but they were new. They didn't know I don't sweat the small stuff. 

I have hurt any of them too bad because if I do, they might move me. I just punch em a few times and that helps vent my anger.

"Kage Elton Baker, move to the back of the room and put your back against the mirror. Keep your hands in the air or we will fire." I did as I was told due to the fact that Erika would be pissed if I got shot and it was my fault. 

When I leaned against the mirror, it felt weird... almost like I could feel someone on the other side; a faint heartbeat from their hands I could feel on my back... just a weird feeling I guess.

When the doctors came in, they were accompanied by a swat guy holding guns pointed at me, ready to fire in case I got violent.

They took my blood pressure, clipped my nails, wrapped up my hands, and then they made me swallow a useless antidepressant. 

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