Chapter 13

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Erika's P.O.V.

It's the final day of the test. All the nurses walk around here like someone just died which doesn't exactly ease my nerves. When Ms.Miller walked in, I breathed a sigh a relief... until she pulled out a syringe. 

"Erika I was you to know that I tried to talk them about rethinking this last test but they really see you as nothing more than numbers... I'm sorry, Erika." She said and took my hand in order to find a good vein in my arm.

"No no no no no Ms.Miller please y-you know I hate needles please don't do this." I begged and begged but she just looked at me apologetically as she stuck the syringe in my arm. 

"PLEASE!" I cried out but within seconds my muscles became weak and my mind went foggy. I feel so vulnerable... I can't move or speak but I can feel and hear everything. 

When they unhooked me from the machines, they started to push me down the hall. All I could really do was close my eyes to stop the feeling of everyone else's on me.


When I opened my eyes, I was stopped in a small room that I remember from when I first checked into this hell hole. They picked me up and moved me onto a metal operating table with the bright light blinding me. 

"Why is she here? Take her back! SHE DOES'T NEED TO BE HERE!" I could hear Kage roar from the other side of the room. I heard him struggling, like he was trying to fight whoever was holding him back. 

"Alright Patient One is secure, Patient Two is sedated. We are prepared to commence the last test." Someone said before the light shut off I heard a low buzz coming from behind me.


Kage's P.O.V.

When they brought me into the room, I assumed I was going to be getting some kind of shock therapy like I used to get when I first checked in... but then they brought Erika in. That's when I got really scared because either they were going to shock her too or do something completely different that I don't know of.

This was the first time I've seen Erika in a week. She looked.. sick, skeletal, just very bad. They clearly sedated her so eliminate the potential fight she would put up. Ms.Miller gave me a sorry look and walked out of the room. I was currently being held back by two security guards but I didn't stop fighting until a third stepped in with a handgun on his waist. 

I stared at Erika as they strapped down her wrists tightly and turned off the lights. When the doctor flipped the switch to turn on the shocks, the whole room went silent. Everyone was worried for her.

"Doctor, I don't think she will be able to handle this... she's so small and has little body fat to absorb excess shock." One of the female doctors said but he ignored her. he simply just shook his head and places the metal device on the sides of her head. I don't think I've ever screamed that loud in my entire life... I just wanted them to leave her alone. 

Watching her lay there, convulsing, shaking... her legs were kicking involuntarily and her mouth fell open. Not gonna lie I wanted to kill him.. right then and there. I wanted to kill everyone who had anything to do with this shit. But of course I had  a gun pointed at my head so I couldn't fight back. 

The way the doctor would take the device off her head just to place them back on a few seconds later... I unwillingly stood there silently when I saw her eyes close and her mouth clamp shut after maybe the fifth time. 

'This can't be legal.. they fucking killed her! There's no way she could have lived through that'

Stupidly, he kept going a few more times before turning the machine off and revealing the burn on her temples. He checked her pulse briefly before shaking his head.

"Oddly enough... she's still alive. Weak yes but still alive." He stated.

"Okay the test is over, take him back to his room while we go over our decision" One of them said before having one of the guards escort me out. I didn't fight. I was so tired of struggling when it gets me nowhere. I can't protect Erika from this place no matter how hard I try. They wait until we're apart to do these things. When Erika is alonein her room, she can't stop four men barging in there and taking her into rooms like this.

The security guards pushed me into my room and slammed the door shut, lockimg the door behind them. 

I sat in the middle of the room, completely silent. All i could hear was the footsteps walking throught the halls.


"Kage? Why don't you go to the aactivity ward? There is a little girl there who wants to talk to you." Ms.Miller said  when she poked her head in for a brief second. I shrugged as I stood up; my face staying emotionless and blank due to the mental exhaustion of worrying about Erika. 

When I walked into the activity ward, I saw Maddie sitting on the couch, waiting. I smiled slightly and sat down next to her.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked as I looked at her.

"Micah told me you were back... Where is Erika?" Her face was full of concern and she looked at me like I had all the answers.

"She is going to be a little off for a while but she's okay. I don't know where she is..." I explained. I didn't want to lie to her but I also wanted to spare her the truth of knowing her favourite person got electrocuted and almost died.

Maddie wrapped her small arms around my torso and rested her head on my side.

"I miss her lots."

"I do too." I said as I nodded and patted her back.

"I don't want you to kill Dr.Finch... they might take her away if you do that." This sudden statement made me raise and eyebrow at her. I backed up and looked at her face.

"Why.... Why would I kill him, Maddie? What are you talking about?"

"Because you don't like it when people touch Erika... and he touched her"

"Maddie, who told you this?" My concern grew as every second passed by.

"Brandon is telling everybody." I froze and followed her finger pointing to the familiar face I recognized, the one I punched in the face for just thinking about Erika. I said goodbye to Maddie and walked over to him as calmly as I could. He stopped what he was doing to stand up and face me.

"What the fuck, Brandon?"

"What? Oh... you must've finally found out. Yeah so Finch and Erika have been goin' at it for a while now and you never even knew." He stated with a smug expression plastered on his face.

"That's not true. You aren't exactly a credible source."

"Oh but it is. He's bee doing what you have been wanting to do since she got here. God only knows who else has been inside that whore." Brandon said while crossing his arms. That smug statement infuriated me  but I didn't feel like dealing with him right now. I needed to talk to Dr.Finch... alone.

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