Chapter 6

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Kage's p.o.v.

I lost track of the hours... I've been in here a long time. The more I'm left alone in here with my thoughts, the more I want to snap that psychiatrist's neck.

My leg bounced heavily on the ground while I tapped my foot, anger flowing through my veins faster than my blood.

I felt like I was about to go even more insane if they kept zooming that camera in on me.

Wait... this is a trap.

They want to move you into the mens ward.

Where's Erika? What are they doing to her?!

These thoughts ran into my head and made my heart rate speed up. They most likely threw her in solitary too, but she isn't the violent one... I am.

With all the thoughts in my head, I couldn't concentrate; soon frustration and anxiety took over... that's when I blacked out.
When I came back, I was in the clinic and strapped down tightly. I lifted my head to see that my knuckles were covered in blood and bruises. I rested my head back in disappointment; I had another outburst.

I ignored the opening and closing of the door because I knew that it was just the counselor.

"Mr.Baker, do you remember what happened?" I looked away at the wall to avoid his eyes.

"I never do" I mumbled. My throat burned when I spoke, indicating I had been screaming.

"You had an outburst and dented the door to your solitary confinement cell... I'm surprised you didn't break your whole hand, only a few fingers." He explained. I simply nodded, not wanting to show any emotion.

"I know what you are thinking, Miss Daniels is safely in her room aslee-"

"Where was she?"

"I'm sorry Mr.Baker, I am not at liberty to tell you that information."

"Oh shut the fuck up, Harold... just shut the fuck up" I said, frustrated.

"I'm sorry, but I am not going to take that kind of language from you"

"Just untie me, so I can go back to my room"

He gave me a wary glance before finally setting down his clipboard and unstrapping me from the table.

I looked at my hands to see some finger splints where I assume the broken fingers were. The counselor tried giving me a pass but I couldn't grab it because of the splints. I pulled them off and clenched my fists a few times before taking the pass. He looked at me like I was crazy but didn't say anything, probably scared of me. I got up to leave but the counselor cleared his throat to get my attention. I spun around to look at him, annoyed.

"Uh Mr.Baker... Erika had a rough time; you might want to check on her"

"I can't get into the girls ward, as you can see I am not a female" I said and pointed to my crotch.

"I'll give Ms.Miller a call, a supervised visit is better than none" He grabbed the phone off the landline to call the front desk I'm assuming.

I just walked out of the room since being in there gave me bad memories.

Now when you live here as long as I have, you start to memorize the way things look.

I stopped dead in my tracks and faced the wall, gliding my fingers over the scratches going down the hall. That's from when they took Maddie to shock therapy. Everyone was pissed because of that; that's how the old nurse lost her job and Ms.Miller was hired.

When I finally got to the main room, I was stopped by Mrs.Hardass.

"You can thank Ms.Miller for taking her to the activity ward so you two can have some monitored alone time" She told me, clearly in a sarcastic and condescending way... honestly if it was up to her, I would have my balls cut off.

I simply nodded and walked right past her into the activity ward to see Ms.Miller bent over the sofa. She looked up when she heard me coming.

"Kage! I wasn't expecting you here so soon!" She said in shock. I furrowed my brow in confusion and nudged her out of the way. I saw Erika laying on the sofa, clutching a pillow and staring blankly at the wall.

"They tranquilized her.." I spoke softly, sitting next to her on the couch and leaning over to see her eyes. Sure enough, her pupils were so big there was only a sliver of brown left.

"W-we had to do it; when we strapped her down, she bit an orderly. We put a muzzle on her, but she started scratching everyone she could reach" Ms.Miller explained. I lifted one of Erika's hands up to see that her nails had been clipped down to the skin.

I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her fighting so hard. She would be fine after the tranquilizer wore off but until then she's basically just a lifeless body. By the looks of her breathing and blinking, it won't be long before it wears off.

"I'll leave you two alone; remember the cameras please"

When we were finally alone, all I could do was rub her leg gently with the palm of my hand and wait. I've learned from experience that when you are in a calm situation, it makes it a hell of a lot easier to calm down from the drugs they give you.

A deeper, more shaky breath made its way out which caused my eyes to dart to her lips. I wanted to see her confident self again; the Erika that I first met... more importantly, I never wanted them to tranquilize her again.

"Kage..." she spoke softly. I knelt down on the ground in front of her, so I could look into her eyes.

"Kage, I never want to go back there" Erika said. Her expression was sad and upset, but she never shed a tear so that's how I know they threw her into solitary.

"I'll never let them out you back in there again, I promise." I told her. Sadly, I couldn't be sure if I could somehow keep her out of solitary because I can't even keep myself out.

She sat up slowly and leaned back on the couch. I scanned her body and noticed something off about her skin. I lifted her sleeve up all the way to reveal she had a bruise on her wrist from the straps. I pulled back her other sleeve and sure enough, the same marking was there.

"Erika, do you have any other marks on you?" I asked and she nodded. I watched as her hand dragged across the sofa and landed on her thigh.

"Here, I think" She spoke, becoming more and more coherent by the minute.

"Do you remember who did that?" I noticed part of her hoodie was ripped, and she was missing a sock; she most of fought hard. I got up and walked over to the main desk, looking through the glass.

"Why is she so bruised up? She's a small person, you didn't need to use that much force" I protested angrily, determined not to have another outburst.

"She's anemic; she will get bruises if you tap her" Ms.Burns said.

"No these bruises are bad! I'm surprised you did break her bones!" I shouted out of pure anger. Ms.Miller walked out to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, we can talk while we walk" She said and steered me away from the other nurses.

"I'm sorry that this happened, i really am. We were short on nurses, and we had to strap her down; the bruises are from fighting the restraints" She told me.

"What about the one on her thigh? I asked and she went blank.

"Her thigh? I don't know what you're talking about... lets take her to her room and I'll speak with her. I'll take pictures of the bruises too, how about that?" I simply nodded, happy that Erika was being acknowledged.

I picked Erika up off the couch; she immediately wrapped her arms around my neck, her head leaning against my chest as I carried her. To be honest, I didn't like the thought of another guy, like a male nurse, carrying her to her room when I was perfectly capable of doing so. Call me jealous if you want...

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