chapter 29

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Kage's p.o.v.

"It's going to be okay, Erika," I tried to explain, quickly packing her bags as she sat on her bed that dimly lit by the small lamp on the nightstand. She was definitely freaking out; chewing her nails so much I swear she had none left. 

Katherine already had some bus tickets ready for us and an old house up north that we could stay in for a while. Honestly, if I stayed any longer, there would be no chance of me getting out. I would probably be thrown in holding or the danger ward for the rest of my life or something.

"It's not that like-" Erika paused, looking flustered, "What if they find us? I can't lose you! I don't want to see you get taken away from me and never hear from you and be worried of what they'll do to you and... and... I don't know!" I stopped packing and grabbed her hands, kneeling down to look her right in the eyes. 

"I know this is scary. Trust me I'm terrified out of my mind but we have to be strong. I promise you, we will be fine, my love," I smiled softly at her, hoping to calm her down a bit. Erika nodded and said okay. 

God she's so pretty. Even when she is frazzled I guess.

Getting up, I planted a small kiss on her forehead before putting the last few things in our backpacks. 

"And plus, mental patients escape all the time!" I tried to joke around to help relieve some of the tension and it worked. She laughed a little and put her hands over her face which definitely made me smile. 

"Just trust me, I will never ever let anything bad happen to you okay?" 

"Okay," throwing her backpack on, she got up and held my hand; her hair still a mess, and that tired, emotionally drained look still in her eyes. We shut off the light before leaving the room. 

"When we leave and settle down in this place I want to get married," Erika blurted out. She looked at me and stared into my soul, completely serious. It completely caught me off guard.

"Why the rush? We know we're already going to be together for the rest of our lives," I don't want to avoid the question but was she thinking this was our only option?

"Exactly. So if you know we're going to be together forever then marry me and make it official. Nothing will change between us," She shrugged and shook her head like I was dumb. I truly do want to marry this girl but I feel like we should wait on this one... you know, wait until things die down and we're like financially stable or something. 

"Let's wait two years. I promise I'll marry you then." She smiled and we started on our way.


A couple of hours later, the sun began to rise. We were sitting at the bus station with Katherine after grabbing a bite to eat. Considering we're going by bus, it'll probably be a few days before we got to our destination. Even then, we could only stay in that house a few weeks before we had to move to a farther, more permanent home. Erika was passed out, resting her head on my shoulder as I watched the sky light up from darkness to a brilliant pink. 

"Could I talked to you for a minute, Kage?" Katherine whispered. She had that smile on her face, the one a proud mother would give to her children. 

"What's up?"

"I need you to take care of her," She gestured to Erika before continuing. "She would risk her life for you and all she wants in this world is to be with you. I have no doubt you feel the same... You two made me believe in soulmates once again and I want you to remember that when things get hard. You two are made for each other." She pulled me into a hug as I agreed to everything she was saying. Katherine sighed, pulling away but keeping her hands on my shoulders. 

"I wish there was more I could do for you," she smiled as I shook my head. 

"No, you've done so much for us already. Maybe one day we'll be able to repay you."

I've known Katherine Miller since I was 17 and she has always been there for me, even if I was a hot-headed brat. I was her shoulder to cry on when her son passed and her dumb husband left. Katherine has always been the mothering type and that's why everyone loved her. That kind, caring, selfless personality she has was what everyone needed the most... and I was going to miss it like crazy.

"You don't need to repay me... Well, maybe a letter everyone once in a while." She said with a hint of a joking tone.

"Of course."

"Tell Erika you love her every day, please," she noted as our bus rolled up, slowing down to a stop. I gently wake Erika up and carry her backpack for her as we say our final goodbyes to Katherine.

"I guess this is goodbye," Erika said sadly, keeping her gaze on the ground. Suddenly, she tightly wraps her arms around Katherine, muttering goodbye and nearly squeezing the life out of her. I think she was about to cry.

"I'll see you when I come to visit one day, Erika," Katherine said happily, "now get going before the bus leaves you." Erika nodded and wiped her eyes. We clambered onto the bus and sat in the back. We waved bye as the bus started rolling and it started to feel like a dream. 

It feels like just yesterday I was a lonely monster who had never known anything but aggression and pain. Now, I'm on a bus, the sun rising, birds chirping, the love of my life in my arms, and we're on our way to our new home. New life. New us. 

Erika Daniels is my soulmate, and we were destined to be together from the very beginning. 

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