Chapter 22

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Erika's P.O.V.

I laid in my bed completely heartbroken. I was able to turn off my emotions for a while, only feeling the slight throbbing of my face. That bitch hurt like a mother fucker.

I sat up in my bed and was about to get up when my door burst open and Jess ran in, closing the door behind her and locking it.

"I know you slept with Kage..." I shrugged.

If I say yeah, will it make her jealous?

"Yeah? Go away," I said, acting as if everything was fine.

"Is that bruise on your face from him? Oh shit, that makes it even better!" She laughed at me as I put my hand over my cheek, looking away. 

"But a little bruise won't get him put away so allow me," before I could realize it, she slapped me so hard my whole body rocked sideways. As I was rebalancing myself, she pulled my hair and dragged me down. Jess started to kick me in the stomach but I grabbed her foot and twisted it as far to the right as I could. I chuckled slightly as she fell down screaming in pain.  The guards ran in soon after that and picked her up.

"Kage Baker attacked her! I don't know what happened but I tried helping her and she just... attacked me!"

"Oh shut the hell up Jessica, we saw you on camera," one of them stated while taking her out of the room. I spit the blood out of my mouth and shut my eyes, laying there for a bit. I don't know how Jess managed to get in... everything happened so fast.  A guard walked into my room and knelt down to me. I felt his hands on my stomach, poking around. 

"Could be ruptured, we should get her checked out just in case. Are you still awake? Can you talk to me, sweetheart?" He moved his hand to my jaw and moved my head to look at him. I opened my eyes and nodded. It was Spier.

Man, this guy is everywhere now!

I tried to talk to him but my mouth hurt and my lip was swollen. I just stared at him as he picked me up, taking me somewhere.


When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. Bandages were all around my stomach and my lip had stitches.  As I looked around, I saw Spier sitting in a chair in the corner of the small room, picking at a box of Chinese takeout. He smiled at me when he noticed I was awake.

"Hey! I told them you'd probably wake up early umm don't mind me... I was just put here to watch for anyone because you're quite the celebrity. You know with everyone knowing you and Jess and Baker attacking you n all..." I rolled my eyes and tried to sit up but the pain was too much. Spier hopped out of his chair and placed his hand on my shoulder, forcing me to lay back down. 

"She broke three of your ribs but you shattered her ankle though and that's pretty badass," he chuckled. I just shrugged, slightly wincing in pain. Everything hurt. Laughing, breathing, talking, everything. 

"So Spier-" I began

"Please, call me Chris."

"Okay... Chris, do you know how Kage is?" He shook his head and sat back down.

"No, I'm just here to look after you since half the damn hospital is trying to beat the shit out of you."

"It feels like they're winning..." I sighed. This is stupid, I shouldn't be here in the first place.

"No, you're tough."

"You don't even know me," He shook his head and smiled charmingly. 

"No I don't... but I know enough about you to know you are probably the smallest badass I've ever met like you shattered Jess's ankle. She will never walk the same again." I smiled, shrugging.

"She's trying to ruin my life. It's the least I could do in return." I laid my head back and stared at the ceiling.  Some time had passed before he cleared his throat.

"So... are you and Baker a couple?"

"Not anymore..." Spier nodded awkwardly, keeping his head low and not making eye contact as he answered the question. 

"I saw her go into Baker's room... like she walked in and tried to do... stuff but he didn't want to. I saw her pull up a video on her phone and he looked panicked. Then she left to your room." He explained to me. 

"What video?" He sat up more in his chair and wouldn't look me in the eye.

"I-I don't know. Didn't get a good look," I could tell he knew more than he let on. 

Kage's POV

I sat in the interrogation room, staring intensely at the mirror because I knew someone was on the other side of it staring back at me. I don't know where Erika is or how she is doing. The only thing they told me when I was thrown in here was that she was gonna be in recovery for a while. So far, the questions just consisted of showing me pictures of Erika and me from the security cameras and asking me what we were doing in the basement. Yeah, we were going to do something but we didn't so doesn't count. 

"Ms.Thompson gave us Erika's underwear so we know what happened in the basement," the psychiatrist said, trying to be nice and gain my trust.

Wait her underwear?

"Those aren't Erika's, they're Jess's. Didn't she tell you I've been banging her for over a year?" He cleared his throat and looked down. My choice of words was clearly making him comfortable.

"If they were Ms.Thompson's, why would she say they're Erika's?"

"Because she hates Erika, I'm sure that's clear by now. The woman is fucking crazy... and think about it. Erika isn't exactly the pink underwear type of girl," He nodded and wrote something in his folder before closing it up. The look in his eyes told me he was starting to believe me. Plus, Erika does have that 'I steal children's souls and don't give a fuck' look that really helps.

I know how this place works. If they don't believe me and think we slept with each other, she's the one who is going to get all the shit. The only 'backlash' I would get is a high five and a warning.

Yes, I agree that I messed up but I still love her too much to not give a fuck anymore. Jess on the other hand... I could care less. I want her to get all the shit she deserves.

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