Chapter 2

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Erika's p.o.v.

 When I woke up most of the drugs had worn off and I felt like pure shit. I slowly sat up in my bed and looked around, taking in everything. The desk didn't have any drawers, there were a couple of pieces of paper but no pencils or pens, the window was bolted shut and had metal bars on it, the walls were plain white and the floor was carpet. One of the papers on the desk was a list of rules.


1. No girls in the boy's ward; no boys in the girl's ward
2. No Bathing unless supervised by a nurse
3. No tank-tops or shorts allowed outside your ward
4. Stay with your assigned buddy outside the building
5. Feminine 'issues' are to be brought up to the head nurse of the girl's ward
6. Wake up time is 7:30, Lunch is 12:45, Dinner is 6:30, Lights out by 11:00

 When I finished reading, I heard my door open. I swiveled my head over to see a nurse look in.

 "Just doing checks... it's 8:00 Erika.." She said and wrote something on her clipboard. I nodded and followed her out to explore. Every door in the girl's ward was open and there were nurses sitting in chairs as monitors either knitting, reading, or writing. One nurse was looking around with an aggressive look on her face.

"What are you doing?" She asked me and I shrugged.

"You tell me" I responded with nearly no emotion. She was clearly taken aback by my response but instead of going to sit back down or whatever she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me over to the head nurse's desk.

"This little brat was talking back to me Ms. Miller," the lady said without letting go. 'Ms. Miller' looked at me and back at the lady with an annoyed expression.

"Mrs. Banks, let go of her now or I will have you fired for harassing the patients," She said. Mrs. Banks let go, probably leaving some hair from my head in her hand from how hard she pulled.

"Ms. Daniels, you can sit up here temporarily, and then I will have one of the nurses give you a tour," Ms. Miller told me, pointing to a chair next to hers. I sat there for about 15 minutes, zoning out before a male nurse came over and snapped his fingers to make me look up at him.

"I'm John and I'll be your tour guide" I nodded and walked over to him. We started walking around the halls and looking at random stuff like the washrooms, cafeteria, phone booth, computer room, and the lost and found.

"Now let's go to the boy's ward just because this tour keeps me on the clock," he said and I smiled slightly, laughing internally at the way he said it; like he really wants to go home but also wants to get paid.

We walked through the halls and I noticed all the doors were open except one. I trailed my finger across the room number, '481,' trying to think of one of the boys I saw earlier.

"Whose room is this?" I asked, curiously tilting my head.

"Oh uh, t-that's... Kage's room... he um doesn't like visitors." John stuttered. I smirked and look around.

"I wanna say hi," I said and grabbed the door handle, wiggling it a little before he grabbed my hand.

"That's not a good ide-" John was cut off by the door opening and Kage standing in the doorway.

"I was sleeping, asshole," Kage said in an angry, raspy voice as if he just woke up. John nodded in fear and grabbed my arm, trying to pull me away.

"Come on let's finish this tour already," John said, almost begging but Kage's eyes met mine.

"You're not supposed to be in this ward... it's not safe" Kage said to me with a sly smirk planted on his face.

"I don't take orders from little boys" I whispered before John grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the hall, into the main room.

"Ok tour is over; I can't have someone die on my watch," John said, writing something on his clipboard before disappearing into the room marked 'staff only.'
Kage's p.o.v.

Looking into her eyes was like being frozen in time; her brown eyes pierced through me like no other eyes have done before. I could tell she wasn't scared of me at all. I could usually sense when someone's scared but not her... She doesn't react like others. It was honestly kind of hot the way she challenged me... I need to talk to her again.

I walked out of my room and into the main room, hoping she hadn't gone back to her room. Luckily, she was sitting on the floor tracing the patterns on the carpet. I sat in front of her, Indian style, and watched her; studying every feature.

When she finally noticed me, she looked up and stared; probably wondering what I was doing here.

"I'm Kage," I said and smiled. Her face lit up with the most beautiful smile I've seen.

"I'm Erika," she said, pausing to study me. "You're the dangerous guy..?" She questioned.

"I have anger issues sometimes" I shrugged, not wanting her to find out about everything else. She nodded and looked back down at the floor.

"Whatever you say, psycho" Erika joked.

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