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A/N( I'm finally back. I'm sorry it took me so long, but i had the worst writersblock. But i overcame it. I hope you like it, i think it's bad, but you're free to tell me otherwise. Please comment and vote. This one is for VortexSnipes

Barry's POV

To say it like it is: I feel like shit. My head is pounding and it feels like the WORST hangover ever. And the best part is, I can't even remember everything that has happened. The last thing I know, is that I was fighting Reverse Flash and he was too strong. So Wells told me to run around the city as fast as I could and to gain on lightning. When I was on my third lap, I accidentally entered the Sped Force. I saw different time periods run by and then I fell out. Now I'm laying in the middle of nowhere. I try to stand up, but I crush back down. I feel the blood rushing in my head and I'm on the verge of passing out. I lay back down. I can't move a singular muscle in my body. My eyes are closing themselves and pass out.

When I wake back up, I hear a few different voices. I can't really tell who they belong to. I feel hands all over me. They check on wounds and stuff. Finally I hear a familiar voice.

"Barry, everything is fine. You are on the waverider. Gideon is patching you up."

I open my eyes and see the face of my beautiful girlfriend Sara. She smiles softly and strokes my face.

"You can thank your speed healing, otherwise you would be dead" she says "what are you doing here anyways?"

I sit up and look at her. She looks the same as the last time i saw her. Her blond hair is falling softly over her shoulders and I can see the worries in her light blue eyes. She takes my hand and squeezes it gently. I smile at her, till she gives me an asking glance.

"You look so beautiful." I say "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" she says "But that doesn't answer my question: What are you doing here?"

"What even is here?" I ask.

"1632, England"

"WHAT???" I shout "How do I got here? How do you got here?"

She laughs and takes a seat next to me. "Well" she starts "We detected an anachronism here: Achilles and Practrolus were on trial, because they got caught making out. We saved them and brought them back to the Trojan war. But when we tried to time jump out of here, it wasn't working. I tried to contact the time bureau, but they didn't answer. Gideon scanned the temporal zone and came to the conclusion, that there is something like a time storm, that makes impossible for us to enter. That was three days ago. We are stuck. And so are you."

I need a few seconds to process all of it. I'm stuck in 1632 in England.

"How long is the storm going to block the temporal zone?" I ask.

"We're not completely sure, but Gideon calculated that it take at least 2 weeks." she says.

Holy shit. Two weeks.

Sara smiles softly and places a kiss on my hand. "Let's see this positive: when were we ever in the same time period, without a crisis. We deserve some us-time."

I nod. She is right. We never had time just for us. We never woke up in the same bed without the treat of a world invasion hanging over us. We never had the chance to be just two people, who love each other and who want to spend some time together. The look in her eyes tells me, that she thinks the exact same thing.

"We don't have a spare quarter, but I already planned on us sharing." She says and smirks "Gideon will run a few more test, to make sure you're okay, and then you can leave."

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