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(A/N here are some slight spoilers for the flash season 5, so beware. And by the way: the next OS is gonna be the second part to the CaptainCanary OS. And now enjoy this chapter. It's a bit shorter than the rest)

Everything is gonna be alright

Iris POV's

I'm looking at the pregnancy test in my hands. Two red stripes. This can't be true. This can't be happening. I have to have a second opinion. I'm putting the test in my jeans pocket and leaving the toilet. I need t find Caitlin. She's the only one I trust in this situation. Eventually I find her in her lab.

I take a deep breath before I go up to her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around and looks at me. When she sees my worried face, her happy smile disappears. Without saying a word, I take the test out and give it to her. She grabs it, looks at it, looks at me and looks back at it.

"OMG Iris! Is this true?" she says excited. "That's what I want you to find out" I answer nervously. She nods and starts taking out her medical stuff. The next half hour, she's doing some tests without us talking. Then I'll have to wait a few minutes till the results are ready. These may be the worst minutes in my whole life.

When Caitlin comes back, she has a happy look on her face. "I'm glad to be the one to tell you, that you're pregnant. Congratulations!" I need a moment to clear my head about this. I'm pregnant. I'm really pregnant. With Barry's baby. At first I'm really happy, but then there comes this into my mind: what if Barry doesn't want a child? It's been two years now since Nora was erased from the timeline and I still can see him reading her diary when no one's looking.

Without realizing it, I broke down to the ground at started sobbing. Caitlin sits down next to me and pulls me into a hug. Her hand brushes over back. We sit there like this for a few minutes until I calm down. I'm the one who starts talking. "I'm scared. I'm so scared that Barry doesn't want a child, not anymore. He was so crushed after what happened with Nora, Was if he's angry or mad at me?"

"Oh Iris, Barry loves you so much. I never seen a men loving a women more. And this kind of love is nothing that disappears with a pregnancy. No, it's the kind of love that grows. And if he's gonna love your child just a tiny bit as much as he loves you, everything is gonna be alright."

"What is gonna be alright?" I hear Barry's voice as he walks in. Caitlin hugs me one more time, then she leaves the cortex.

"So", Barry continues "What's going on? I don't wanna be rude, but you look ...awful" he laughs nervously. "Ehm babe" I start "You may want to sit down for this." My hands are shaking and I can't breath, but now there's no turning back. I try to find the right words, but I can't form a sentence. So I decide to just show him.

I take the test out and put it in his hand. He stares at it, stares at me, stares at it again. Then he looks up with tearful eyes. Oh sh*t. Does this mean he's sad about it?

Surprisingly, he pulls me into a hug. He whispers in my ear: "Omg babe, I'm so happy. I can't believe I'm going to be a dad. For real this time."

I pull away from him and look him with tears in the eyes. "So you're not mad? You're not against a child, because of Nora?" "Why should I be mad?" he answers "I love you Iris. And I'm gonna love our child as much as I love you. Of course I miss Nora, but this doesn't mean, that I don't have space in my heart for another child or maybe two." He takes my face in his hands and smiles at me. "We were lovers, partners, spouses and now we're gonna be parents. It's just the next step in our life together. And I'm so excited to take it with you." And with these words, he kisses me tenderly.

Maybe Caitlin was right.

Maybe everything is gonna be alright.

I hope you liked it.

Comment how you like it and what you want next.

Have a great day

xoxo Scarlett

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