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❝poisonous fangs can only reap poisonous fruit❞

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❝poisonous fangs can only reap poisonous fruit❞


Lazy. Weak-willed. Hopeless in both magickal and academic studies.

Little more than a fragmented mosaic of such words, Nerluce has long gotten used to living his life in the shadows of other people. He is the son of the Hebikoti clan's head - a lord who has only grown more terrifying with age. He is the younger brother of the heir apparent - a war hero who has returned from the front with a slew of medals and glory in tow. 

Nerluce is nothing. He is not a person. He is barely even a bastard son who can be used as a political pawn. When he is sent to Ethera, Nerluce knows he is only there to strengthen Hebikoti ties with Chosen Light - a prophesized savior who is, supposedly, the only one capable of preventing the world from falling into shadow and ruin.

But Ethera is as old as it is exclusive and it guards both its Chosen Light and its secrets closely. To access them Nerluce must train under an Elder Priest, risking both life and his family's honor in Ethera's trials of his magick and his will.

[curator's note]

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[curator's note]

hello everyone! i'm not sure how many of you know me from my other works but to those of you that are new, it's nice to meet you! i'm dex and i'm happy that you're all joining me for this new project :P

a) i haven't posted on wattpad in a hot minute but i will try my best to keep to a regular schedule and answer comments :)

b) this story is neither fully edited nor beta read. we die like men.

c) that being said, i am currently in the process of editing. at the end of chapters, there will be the date of my most recent edit. please bear with me for the next couple of months, especially in regards to names. These name changes are: Kumoguai —> KierliCorbett —> Orielle, Lailusha —> Hyeje, and Preinill —> Yabar.

d) so there's a lot of uhhhh... let's call it homoromantic tension but since this is the first book in a series, it doesn't go much beyond flirting. regardless, homophobes begone <3

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THE APPLE OF SNAKES is my own creation and property. Please do not reuse or misuse my work in whole or in part. If you do see this happening please inform me. All images and music videos belong to their respective artists.

Long story short, don't copy-paste my shit and try to pass it off as your shit.

Thanks again!

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