xvii. snake's skin

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Nerluce was dragged from the scene of his sin before the High Priestess.

She sat on her brass throne, raised above him despite the difference in stature. Despite the fact that Nerluce had just suffered a fall and likely had his own set of serious injuries, Aristide had handled him with no softness. He looked like he wanted to send Nerluce straight to the gallows but Nerluce had gritted his teeth and demanded that the other - much larger problem be taken care of first.

Everyone was safe in the infirmary now, their wounds being treated. Everyone except Nerluce, who had to bow before the High Priestess of their land. His head was still spinning. Everything felt too tight and too loose all at once. He didn't even fully comprehend what he had done to deserve this treatment. Or what he'd done at all. He had just called out, in desperation and magick, and the roses had responded.

To the High Priestess's right, there was Taayir. To her left was Aristide. And the one on trial, bent over on the floor was Nerluce. The room had otherwise been completely emptied.

"Nerluce of the Hebikoti Clan," the High Priestess began, her white eyes fixed on Nerluce's shrunken form splayed out before her. He was completely at her mercy. His name held no dominion here. "Your father is Prathesh of the Hebikoti Clan. He comes from a long line of those with Fire Affinity. His power and prowess as a politician is known in every corner of the world. Is that correct, Nerluce?"

"Wha-what?" Nerluce stuttered.

"Nerluce, just answer the question honestly," Taayir said, her voice soft. She seemed the only one to have even any sympathy for Nerluce.

So Nerluce said, "Yes."

The High Priestess nodded as though Nerluce's word meant anything at all. Maybe it did. Nerluce's head hurt. "Your elder sister is Junipei Coam of the Hebikoti Clan. She was a powerful general on the front lines for many years, known for her advanced usage of fire magick and tactics which were equal parts cunning and ruthless." The High Priestess closed her eyes. "Is that correct?"

"Yes," Nerluce said again.

"One more question," the High Priestess said, opening her eyes with a smile that gave nothing away. "Your mother is Okiachi, born into the Shikari Clan and then married into the Hebikoti Clan. She was a General and manned the largest fort on the border for fifteen years before her marriage to your father. Her Affinity is towards Lightning. Is this correct?"

"Yes, um no," Nerluce shook his head which only served to make his head hurt more. He wanted to shake out the confusion but instead, it felt like he scrambled his brains. "What you said is true but Lady Okiachi isn't my birth mother."

"I see," the High Priestess said.

Taayir's shoulders seemed to relax a bit.

"Who is your birth mother?" the High Priestess asked. "I was not aware that Lord Prathesh had children with more than one woman."

To the world outside of Itoroh, not many did.

"My mother... my mother's name is Song. Her full name is Birdsong, actually." He looked down at his knees. "She doesn't come from any prominent family or clan. She was a prostitute and my father was a man with money. I don't know her magickal affinity."

"Aristide?" the High Priestess asked.

"I will look into it, High Priestess," Aristide said, bowing his head before exiting the room.

The doors clanged behind him. It sounded like the metal jaws of a trap closing in on him.

"Nerluce of the Hebikoti Clan do you have any idea what you've done?" the High Priestess asked, arching a brow.

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