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It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>



It's been far too long since one of us intruded on the other with an email or an invitation for coffee. Sadly, unless you're in Ecekasuri at the moment, I don't think we'll be able to get together anytime soon.

Despite our physical distance, I wanted to reach out and give you a gift. Attached is the first portion of an old text—a transcribed oral history of some variety, if I had to guess—we stumbled across. Apparently, the bomb that decimated that city a couple of years back, opened up some old tunnels. We haven't managed to date this thing yet, but it's written in some Ecekasurian dialect that our translator couldn't make sense of. Everyone here is a modernist and whatever this monstrosity is, it is way outside of our realm of expertise.

You, however, nearly got a doctorate in Old Ecekasurian Linguistics before you decided that you wanted to be a writer. Not that I've seen any new books with your name on them as of late. Consider this a favor. Translating some old text might help you shake that writer's block. If not, I'm sure the pay will support your all-take-out diet.

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program


Re: It's been a while...

Diana Aylin <>


Give me a week.


Re: It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>


To my dearest Diana,

You can really tell that awe-inspiring email was written by a bestselling author. Your way with words always inspires.

Anyway, feel free to take your time with the translation. I've sent a couple of the more trustworthy kids to the next city over with a sample to see if we can get a date on these pages. Until we know this thing is real and not some elaborate prank, I don't think I can talk the university into sponsoring a longer translation. However, considering that it's been two days since your last email and you've yet to email me back screaming about how I've wasted your time on a fake, I'm feeling somewhat optimistic.

I don't want to be preemptive in my celebrations but there are only a handful of people in this world who know enough Old Ecekasurian to fool you, Diana, and all of them have much better things to be doing with their time than this.

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program


Re: It's been a while...

Diana Aylin <>


Send me the rest of those pages. Now.

I've attached what I've translated so far. Read it. And tell me when the date on those pages comes back. ASAP. If they're real then you've found one of the most valuable Ecekasurian texts in existence.

Referred to as "Darkest Shadow" in the only other surviving fragments, this appears to be a completed version of Nerluce Hebikoti's fall from grace.

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