lxiii. cards dealt

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Nerluce missed a step.

He was thankful he didn't fall or stumble all that much. It didn't even seem to be noticed by anyone. Anyone but Aristide with his all-consuming eyes. He did not react. His face seemed more like a statue than the Empress's had. Nerluce sat down in his seat. A seat that was only outranked by his own sister. A seat that was above the High Priestess's. A seat that put him right beside Aristide of Ethera. 

Gods save Nerluce. It was a miracle he hadn't been stabbed straight through by Kōttaiki or frozen into a statue already. It might be a good question as to why that was. Maybe Aristide didn't want to cause a scene. Nerluce shuttered at the thought of Aristide slipping into his room and assassinating him while he slept.

Nerluce did not doubt that Aristide was capable of it.

Food was brought without a word spoken between any of the people at the four highest tables. The food was eaten in a similar sort of silence. Even when Princess Yume took to the Flower Stage and began a beautiful dance that could not be performed by anything less than someone who had trained her body for half her life no one said a word.

Nerluce shifted in his seat. And then he scolded himself as that was very rude. But he could not help it. He didn't understand how people were able to sit still, even Aristide. He was like a beautiful jade statue, eating and sitting as though he was born to Itorohian royalty.

That old jealousy coursed hot through Nerluce's veins. A jealous he had long muted by friendship but it was very clear that Aristide no longer considered them friends of any kind. The only time he even so much as looked at Nerluce, he seemed to be trying to figure out the best way to make Nerluce's death look like an accident.

When the meal was almost over and after the whole hall had finished their applause for Princess Yume's dance - never once breaking the thick tension - the High Priestess turned to Nerluce. "Young Lord Hebikoti," she said, "would it be possible to have a moment of your time after the meal?"

"Unfortunately not," Nerluce said. "This young lord is very tired from his travels and would like to rest."

"It will not take long," the High Priestess persisted. "And it is of the utmost importance."

"High Priestess of Ethera," Coam said, cutting in with a tone as sharp as a blade, "my brother has already refused. Do not pressure him any further by preying on his youth and inexperience." She lifted her chin. "If it is a matter so important, I will be happy to meet with the High Priestess of Ethera in his stead and relay the High Priestess of Ethera's message."

"This matter does not concern Young Lady Hebikoti," the High Priestess said. "There is no need to bother her with it. Young Lord Hebikoti can meet when he is recovered."

"This Young Lord fears that is impossible," Nerluce said. "This Young Lord's health can be frail so it is best he rests until the competition and rests after it as well for the journey home." 

"The reason," a new voice, Aristide's voice, said, the sound of it after all this time sending a prickle down Nerluce's spine, "that Young Lord Nerluce's health is frail is because of the kind of magick he practices." Aristide lifted his drink to his lips. "If he were to meet with the High Priestess and me, we may be able to help."

"This Head Disciple Aristide," Nerluce said.

Nothing followed and Aristide looked at Nerluce. He was forced to. His eyes were wide and his lashes batted innocently. "Pardon?"

"If he were to meet with the High Priestess and this Head Disciple Aristide, they may be able to help," Nerluce said, correcting the entire sentence.

Aristide's eyes widened a bit more and then he turned away. Gods, Nerluce already missed the burning of his gaze. "This Junior Priest Aristide would like to remind Young Lord Nerluce that his help, while appreciated, is not always appropriate."

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