first interlude

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Re: It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>



Sorry about the late response, I've been out of range and Ecekasuri's internet never has been exactly reliable.

The translation you sent is amazing! I forwarded it to the university and they have a couple of people go over it—just double checking, though it's hardly necessary—and, from what I've heard, they're impressed! Glad you still have it in you, Di. And I'm sure you'll be glad too when the payment comes through. Expect it later this week. If you don't see it, email me and I'll nag them about it. Oh, and if you want to stick with this project, I can probably sweet-talk them into giving you a raise. You are basically doing the work of an entire team by yourself.

I did want to discuss some of the content in the translation. In particular, there was mention of a prophecy that wasn't explained in the text itself. I'm no expert on these things but that seems like that would imply the author assumes the reader would know about it. I did a bit of digging on the topic of Old Ecekasurian prophecies and it seemed like there were only a few it could be referencing.

I've attached an article that mentions one of the prophecies. Don't bother reading the whole thing, it's not all that interesting but it has a couple of good points. For one, Chosen Light and Darkest Shadow are two horribly cliche names. Could the Old Ecekasurians really not come up with anything better? Or is it some translation error where their names are really poetic or intimidating in Old Ecekasurian but ended up sounding like a middle schooler's first attempt at fantasy to us now?

I can't wait to get your expert opinion on this matter.

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program



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Re: It's been a while...

Diana Aylin <>


Not Cloverway. Her translations are the worst. She translates things wrong just so they sound better. Don't bother sending me a Cloverway translation again.

But... yes. It was either Prophecy 229 or Prophecy 1141. Sent an article from the same sight with the translation. Both would've been well known. No way to tell which one in particular, though. Doesn't matter much, though.

'Chosen Light' and 'Darkest Shadow' actually come from that Cloverway translation of Prophecy 229. Cloverway changed their names. Now everyone calls them that. Even Ecekasurians. Another reason she's awful. A more accurate translation would be 'Lightest Light' and 'Darkest Dark.' They sound just as stupid in Old Ecekasurian.




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Re: It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>


Dear Di,

I suppose I can as you asked so nicely.

This is the largest file that can be sent without crashing Ecekasuri's entire network so I don't want to hear any whining. It also takes a lot of time to scan these pages. They're delicate! And I am a modernist! I'm just trying not to ruin a priceless artifact! It's not easy when you put all this pressure on me.

Regardless, take your time. I have other work that needs to be done and it's going to take a while for this thing to be dated. There's no point in rushing through this project.

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program


Re: It's been a while...

Diana Aylin <>


Translation attached.

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