fourth interlude

309 33 0

Re: It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>



Excellent work, as always. You don't need me to tell you just how impressed everyone is with your translations, but we certainly are. My students most of all. It's kind of nice having fresh blood around. They're like puppies. They get so excited over the smallest things and are always tripping over themselves and making a mess. It's a bit less fun cleaning up their messes but the energy they bring makes it worth it.

Unfortunately for you, my students aren't making so many messes as to distract me from how quickly you translated that last section. I'm not about to ask for proof that you're taking care of yourself—I don't dare make that mistake again—but I sincerely hope that you are.

Have you considered flying out to Ecekasuri? We have plenty of room for you. I'd even buy the ticket with my own savings if that would be what it took to get you out here. It might be selfish, but I wish you were here. You'd be much better suited to running this sort of project. Besides, both my students and the other translators would love to meet you. And, most of all, it would be a way for me to insure you were taking care of yourself. Though, for you, I'd assume the biggest benefit would be that you could obsess over the pages without needing to wait for me to send them.

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program


Re: It's been a while...

Diana Aylin <>


No. You know I don't like dogs and I don't like Ecekasuri much better. I've already wasted too much of my life on that continent already. I don't need to waste anymore.

When will you send the pages?


Re: It's been a while...

E.M. Lark <>



The lab is working on scanning the next section for you. I think that it's a bit bigger than the other sections we've sent so far, which I'm sure you're delighted to hear. That does means that it will take them a bit longer to scan it, though.

This will also most likely be the last section that I'll send for a while. The university is preparing to make an announcement about the discovery so our team is probably going to be a bit too busy dealing with the press and getting the sections you've already translated prepped for publication to have time to scan and send you anything. I'm certain you'll be able to entertain yourself though and if not... my offer to fly you out to Ecekasuri still stands, not that I think you'll take me up on it.

Also... you know my students aren't actual dogs, right?

Dr. E.M. Lark

Professor of Modern Literature From Across the Continents

Director of Nisaba University's Modern Ecekasurian Literature Program

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