lxvi. proposal

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The rest of the day was devoted to celebration.

Nerluce supposed that was to be expected. Itoroh was always like that: games of war and celebration. Nerluce, who was crowned champion of the event, was the heart of the celebration, though no small amount of praise was showered on Aristide and Coam and the other opponent who Nerluce had beaten in the semi-finals.

After having their wounds patched - where both Nerluce and Aristide received a tongue lashing from the elderly doctor about how it was a competitive match and there was no need to inflict the injuries they had on one another - they went to one of the many banquet halls. Once again, Nerluce and Aristide sat side by side but neither said a word to the other, opting to eat in silence instead. The day's celebrations concluded with them making their way to the ballroom.

The orchestra hummed low and rich music. People danced in the center and made deals on the sides. Many nobles had come just to watch and recruit young and talented Magickians. None came to Nerluce to recruit but many came just to speak with him. To congratulate him on his victory. To thank him for his service. To just be in his presence for a few moments.

A couple of women asked Nerluce to dance and, of course, he obliged. He was by no means an excellent dancer but he didn't miss any steps either. He kept up with the conversation, smiled the whole time, and tried not to wince whenever their hand brushed up against one of Nerluce's recently bandaged wounds. 

Dancing didn't seem as fun as he remembered it being. 

Eventually, Coam dragged him to the dance floor. Nerluce whined and pretended to put up a fight but in reality, he was glad to have an excuse to stop dancing with strangers and just be in the comfort and safety of his sister.

"You look miserable," Coam said.

"Probably because I am miserable," Nerluce retorted. "Move your hand. Aristide cut me there and if you keep touching it will reopen the wound."

Coam scoffed but did move her hand. "I don't like that. It feels awkward," she grumbled.

"Would you rather I bleed through my robes and cause a scene?" Nerluce asked, raising a brow.

"Damn, it seems you discovered my plan," Coam said.

They exchanged a smile, delighted by the use of profanity while the Empress was in the same room, sitting on a throne and observing the dancing.

"I cannot believe I was beaten by him," Coam said.

"Once he summoned Suru-Suru, you lost," Nerluce said. "I told you he could. I don't know why you didn't listen to me."

Coam huffed. "Yes, yes, Nerluce is always right." She rolled her eyes. "I know that's when I lost too. I know you said he could but... it was a bit different seeing for myself. It was a shock." She looked down. "I think I will start studying a second type of Magick. Both you and Aristide and that little boy who technically tied with me for third all know a second type. It would serve me well to know a second type too."

"I'm certain any master in Itoroh would teach you," Nerluce said. "The only problem is when you'd be able to find the time."

"I know," Coam said, shaking her head.

"Do you know your secondary Affinity?" Nerluce asked.

"Yes, air," Coam said. "I've spoken with several masters about learning it before. I've been able to subconsciously use it before, apparently, but I think I'd like to be able to consciously use it so I can crush all you kids."

"Do you have a master in mind, already?" Nerluce asked.

"Yes," Coam said. "She's already agreed to help me, in fact. She's planning on making frequent trips to the border and writing when she cannot be there to help me train personally."

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