A Rough Landing-The Doctor

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I flip a switch as the TARDIS begins to lurch forward sending us through the void and on to our next destination. My hands fly across the control panel of the TARDIS trying to compensate for the lack of pilots. Right as I'm about to grab the "random" lever something catches my eye. A note appearing on my psychic paper. My hands abandon their task and grab at the notepad. The paper reads "Psych, Santa Barbara, Califronia, USA, Earth." Puzzled I glance over at Rose who is attempting to finish my job but promptly gives up as soon as she sees the paper.

She quickly comes to my side and leans over me as she scans the paper. Her golden hair falls in front of my face so I can no longer see the paper. Without thinking I raise my hand and gently tuck the loose strands behind her ear. As I do so I feel her tense, but only for a moment. Once Rose has finished examining the paper, her blue eyes fall onto mine, as I stare back I realize how close we are. I can feel the heat rising as time slides by. I look away as I see a small smile grow on her face.

In an attempt to break the tension, I launch into a long explanation
"Hmmmmmm, Psych it's obviously a business but what type of business. Psych like a practical joke or maybe like psychology why would I get message about a psychologist I'm not mentally ill, I hope....Oh! Psych as in psychic like this paper for example. now Psychic that seems like a frivolous job reading the stars instead of traveling them. I Point and laugh at psychics.." I continue to talk the words tumbling out of my mouth as fast as I can think them. After a few minutes I come to my senses and glance over to see that Rose has wondered away and is lounging on the worn captains bench playing on her mobile phone. Such a useless device. Her eyes scan over the tiny screen as she taps different buttons. Slowly I begin to approach her, she doesn't notice me until I'm crouched down and am a mere 6 inches from her. As she looks up I notice her jolt with a bit of surprise. Once the shock has washed over, her eyes light up with delight as she begins to say
"Psychic Detective Shawn Spencer and his partner Burton Guster work for the SBPD." A confident smile begins to creep across her face as she continues "While you were over there babbling to yourself I actually figured it out" She giggles a little clearly amused with the idea that she solved before I did. It doesn't bother me a bit, yes it does. I sigh and tell her to continue "Well why don't we pay them a visit I've always fancied the beach so why not" Rose says with great enthusiasm as she begins to rise in an attempt to help with the TARDIS. Before I can object I see her hands fiddling with the one thing I have shown her how to use, the destination selection. I see her delicate hands quickly fly across the keys board as she enters an address. The glow of the screen shines across her faces bringing out the glow of her gentle eyes. I think of the way her hair falls, her lips move, her eyes explore. I blink and realize that it's too late, she's changed our destination we're going to Santa Barbara, California.

As soon as she inputs the last number the TARDIS suddenly whips to the left sending us tumbling across the floor. As a reflex, I grab the twisted railing beside me, but Rose is not as lucky. I see her come feet skid across the ground, and her arms move around wildly searching for something to steady her self with. A sharp turn to the right cause her to stumble backwards, swiftly I fit my free hand carefully around her waist. As I do so, she grabs a a wad of my shirt and twists it around her fingers roughly pulling me closer to her. Her head rests on my chest I can hear her breaths, quick and shallow. As soon as I think it could all before the TARDIS lunges into a spinning motion. I feel Rose's grip tighten, I pull her closer. I can feel the force of the TARDIS attempted to rip us apart, this only wills me to be stronger. My muscles clench around her delicate waist, and I feel the strength coursing through me. I steady my feet stand protectively over her.The moaning of the TARDIS is growing louder at a dangerous rate. I glance at the center console to see a steady pillar of steam billowing from the top. The column that once stood unchanged in the center, is now shifting to different shades of alarming reds and oranges. My hearts beats are rapidly increasing, this has never happened before. As suddenly at it had started, it stops. The tension between us is abruptly released. Her knees buckle out of surprise, but before she can slip I fit my hand on her waist catching her. Her eyes meet mind as we stand inches apart. I can feel the rise and fall of her chest against my. My mouth twitches into a smile as I hold her, steady. I can feel my facing turning a bright red, my eyes shift away. The moment has lasted too long. She's probably uncomfortable anyway. I slide my hand away from her, and quickly move towards the center console of the TARDIS. Before working on the TARDIS, I glance back at Rose. She leans cautiously against the railing her cheeks a rosy red, her eyes in deep thought. I can't help but smile a little, maybe she did feel something.

The tips of my fingertips caress the controls of the TARDIS as I begin to run checks. My eyes search the TARDIS for faults. As I glance at the monitor, I realize I haven't the slightest clue where we actually ended up. I take quick and deliberate strides to reach the screen. My eyes grown wide as I realize that we've appeared in the corner of small apartment on the coast Santa Barbara, California. I look closer at the glowing screen and notice two figures entering a dimly lit bedroom. The taller one flips on the light switch. A light grows across the room revealing two people; a man with messy brown hair, and a woman with light blond hair leaning against him with a gun in hand. Her fingers wrap tightly around then gun as her eyes scan the room. She proceeds with caution through the room with the weapon held at arms length. Abruptly she turns on her heals and walks swiftly away from the TARDIS.

Out of shock I blurt out "What, what, WHAT!" I run my hands through my hair as I try to think of something, anything my mind draws a blank. I hear light footsteps as Rose begins to approach me. I look up as she sees the monitor, once she registers where we are I see a smile grow on her face as she lets out a light giggle.

"Santa Barbara, California" She was with a tone of disbelief "but why here, some random bloke's flat?" I look at her and see her eyes wide with wonder and curiosity. Pure adrenaline rushes through her making her cheeks flush with color. "Doctor?" She says pulling me out of my daze. "Oh yes, sorry about that." I hastily say trying to mask my embarrassment. I'm about to continue checking the TARDIS when a question comes to mind, "Why haven't they noticed us? It's not like the TARDIS is necessarily quitet..." As the last word leaves my mouth my eyes land on the visibility control. The breaks are off and the invisibility has turned on. I shift back to Rose and see a wide grin is painted across her face, a twinkle of satisfaction in her eyes. "Oh that's clever-" I begin say when she interrupts with with proud "I've picked up a couple of things here and there" I'm about to continue when the monitor flashes a red warning, I swiftly turn of the balls and whip around to face the monitor. Two figures stand an inch from the TARDIS. How can they see us? Just as soon as the thought had entered my mind, I look down at my hand resting on the invisibly switch and has unfortunately turned it off.

"Doctor-" Rose begins leaning softly against me. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath as she realizes what I did. I see her hand delicately land on top of mine. She lightly clasps my hand and picks it up turning me to face her "Doctor, they know we're here, no leaving now, remember?" I smile she's right. Her grip on my hand tightens as she pulls me to the door.

We stand about to leave the TARDIS when she looks at me and simply says "Ready?" I goofily grin and respond "Allons-y!

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