The Metal Armor-Shawn

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I quickly shove my phone into my pocket as I look up at Gus,
"Man, I told you we would get another case soon." I trail off as I round the corner to grab my jacket.
"Shawn what's the case even about?" Gus questions while he follows me over to the desk. "That's for me to not know... and you to not no either, apparently; But, it sounds secretive, like spying, Gus! What if it's like that show 'Chuck', and suddenly we have to be spies?!" I eagerly explain.
"No Shawn, it's nothing like that don't..." Gus begins. I quickly interrupt with,
"Dude That would mean that you would be Morgan, I would be Chuck, and Jules would be Sarah.... Oh! and Lassie could be Casey. That's just perfect man, Suck it. Anyway, back to the matter, we're taking this case, and I'm taking your car. So, if you wanna come, then you better hurry!" I finish as I begin to jog out the door.

I swiftly grab his keys off the hook on my way out. I pause as soon as I leave the house to listen to him frantically running to catch up with me. I laugh, I think it's too easy sometimes. I wander aimlessly over to the blueberry and freeze with my hand wrapped loosely around the handle. The door to our office swings open, and Gus clumsily trips out of it running towards the car. I calmly slip in just as he collapses into the passenger seat.

The engine runs smoothly as we pull out of the lot. We cruise lightly down the road, with Gus unevenly panting next to me. Finally, Gus breaks the silence.
"Why are you so happy with yourself? Just a few minutes ago you were a depressed poet staring at some cereal, and now your laughing and grinning like an idiot..." He finished with a tone of accusation in his voice.
"What a man can't be happy? Gus, you of all people should know that I am always a grinning idiot" I easily respond as we approach the police station. I quickly twist the wheel and park next to the building. I push open the door as I start towards the station. Taking the steps two at a time, I lunge at the door with Gus at my heals. My fingers run through my hair as I walk calmly into the station.

On the balls of my feet, I walk quietly through the station. The chaos engulfs me as I walk unnoticed towards Juliet's desk. I glide silently behind Jules and gently put my hands on shoulders. I feel her jump with surprise. I lean over her shoulder carelessly, until her face sits a mere few inches from mine. The closer I get the redder her face turns. I can hear her breaths quickening.
"So what's this case about? Is it a top secret spy mission agent O'Hara?" I whisper eagerly into her ear. As soon as I finish talking, she whips her chair around to face me. Before I can respond, she grips my wrist and twists it around gaining control of my arm.
"Never sneak up on a cop, I don't like surprises Shawn." She spits in a harsh tone. She releases me, her face now a bright red.

I took it too far I shouldn't have done that, I was just giddy with the moment. My heart flutters in chest as my jaw goes slack and my confidence fades away.
"Jules I'm sorry I didn't-" I begin weakly.
"It's okay Shawn, I'm sorry I snapped at you I've just been a bit, on edge recently" she says with a sharp protectiveness in her voice. My eyes settle on her disassembled weapon scattered across her desk. I wonder why she's been so stressed recently?
Breaking the silence, I ask, "So, do you even know what this case is about, cause I've got nothing."
"I honestly don't know much about it. Chief said we had to wait for you guys to arrive to go into further details" Her voice returned to normal.

"Well it looks like Gus is already talking to chief, and I don't trust him to do my work for me, he doesn't have the same flare that I do when it comes to crime solving. So, let's go!" I say smoothly. She slowly rises from her chair and begins to meander towards the Chief's office. Becoming impatient, I lay my hand on her back to help speed up the pace. She resists and keeps a slow pace. I see her smile slightly over her success. I glare at the office and notice Gus and Lassie discussing something that appears to be important. Without thinking, I swiftly grab Juliet's hand, and drag her quickly to Cheif's office. Together, we calmly walk in.

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