Runaway Mate (Part two)

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"You're sure that there is something out here?" You asked as you followed Scott and Stiles. Stiles gripped a flash light tightly and had a determined look on his face.

"Yes I'm sure. I saw it while we were driving." Scott insisted as he hurried furter into the woods. You lost sight of them for a moment and heard Stiles shriek loudly. Rushing through the trees you saw him chest to chest with Derek who was glaring down at your nephew.

"You need to look where you're going." Derek grunted out at Stiles as the boy stumbled backwards.

"What're you doing here?" You snapped at Derek who rolled his eyes.

"My job." He answered curtly.

"Your job? I thought that was living in a cave or spending bearer bonds." You said sarcastically as you tugged at Stiles' arm.

"Here I was thinking that you didn't interfere with werewolf matters." Derek said with equal venom. You glared at him until Stiles awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Not werewolf matters. I just refuse to deal with your family." You said camly. You gave Derek an obviously forced smile. For a moment Stiles thought you might lash out and slap Derek but you let out an irritated puff of air and stomped ahead, snatching the torch from Stiles as you passed.

"So... what happened?" Scott asked Derek as they watched your light vanish into the woods.

"What do you mean?" Derek snapped and saw the look the two boys shared. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's nothing to do with you."

"Um well, your uncle is trying to get at it with my aunt so this very much is something to do with us." Stiles said as he walked backwards to try and block Derek from stomping through the woods as he stepped in front of Derek. Scott was sure that Derek had purposefully missed stepping so that Stiles stepped back into a tree and bounced a little.

"It's her that's the problem. For once it's not Peter." Derek said and they could both hear the growl that rumbled under his words. Stiles gave Scott a glance which said, you talk to Derek, I'll talk to my aunt. Then he scrambled after the vanishing light that flashed through the trees every now and then. "It hurt him. That she left like that. He explained what was happening and she just ran away and the next day, she was gone. Then a few weeks later it all happened. He lost his family and his mate all in one month."


"Apparently Peter started talking to her and even tried to force her to take a bite from one of the random alphas he knew. Talia said she wouldn't for (Y/N) to change if she didn't want to, but Peter didn't care. She had to go hide with another pack in New York when Peter wouldn't stop." Stiles explained as he led the group through the halls of Beacon Hills High School.

"Derek said that it hurt Peter. But the way he said it, made it seem like it physically hurt Peter and like he went... crazy after she went away." Scott said as Lydia scoffed from behind them.

"We all know how Peter is. He's over dramatic and he'll say anything to get what he wants. Not to mention Derek had to deal with losing his family right after she left and he probably felt abandoned. You can't trust his idea of what happened too much." Lydia advised. She frowned before adding. "(Y/N) had just found out about the supernatural and that she was magically bound to one. She probably freaked out and ran away."

"Well yeah. We know she did. So how do we keep Peter away from her? She came all this way to help us." Stiles said quickly.

"I can ask my Mom?" Kira offered helpfully.

"I can try and ask Satomi more about the whole thing?" Malia offered and Scott nodded.

"I'll ask Deaton when I'm at work later." Scott summed up and they all agreed.

When school ended you were sat in your care waiting to pick Stiles up. He scrambled to get in the car and you could tell by the way he was bouncing that he had questions for you. "Did you try and do a spell? Deaton had spells." Stiles asked. You sighed and ignored him for a while. Until the bouncing was getting so bad that you gave in.

"I spoke to Deaton before I came. It's not something that you can undo." You said reluctantly.

"But there has to be a way to undo it." He said with a defeated tone. He didn't have any time to say anything else as his phone started to ring. "Scott? What do you mean! Attacked? At Deatons... sure."

You'd pulled the car getting the sense that you would be turning around once he hung up. "We are heading to Deatons?"

"Yeah, something attacked Liam, one of Scott's betas... but you can drop me at home and I'll drive up." Stiles said quickly.

"You're kids Stiles. I'll help you. That's why I'm here." You insisted as you backed up and turned the car.

"But Peter will be there. He's the one that found Liam." Stiles said quietly. You didn't say anything as you sped along the back roads to Deaton's.

When you arrived Liam was snarling, fangs and claws bared. Deaton was trying to get everyone out of the way without unleashing Liam on the town. Just as you were about to tell Scott how to calm him down. Peter stepped in, eyes blazing and a low growl rumbling out of his throat. He looked at you as you pushed into the back of the vets and starte to check if Liam was ok.

"It's ok. Here..." You reached for some tweezer on the side and pulled a purple thorn from Liam's arm. Deaton hurried forwards to take it and put it under a microscope to look at it better. Stiles was glaring at Peter who was avoiding looking at the boy. However that wasn't too hard as he was staring at you. His eyes dulled as you made eye contact. He looked a little disappointed when you glared at him.

"How do you know Peter didn't stab him with that thing?" You asked Deaton. Peter scoffed softly and crossed his arms, standing at the back of the room.

"Because it would have affected him in the same way." Deaton assured you.

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely. I'd say this is something that has been planted somewhere Liam has been.

"So like biological warfare on werewolves or something?" Stiles asked.

"Well. This plant, whatever it is, certainly isn't native to the area. If it was we could have had this problem much more." Deaton summed up.

"If Liam can tell us where he's been today, Stiles and I can start looking for plants to bring you. Hopefully we can narrow it down before anyone else gets affected." You offered Deaton. He nodded and started writing down details about the thorn which he handed to Stiles.

"I should come with you, in case you come across the person who planted it." Peter offered.

"Not a chance. You're bad enough without magic plants to enhance your bad attitude. You'd probably tear Stiles apart. You can just sit this out. No one needs you." You snapped at him. Even Stiles, who had decided that he was going to loyally help you hate Peter, felt bad at the hurt on the older werewolves face.

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