Young Peter Hale vs Young Dean Winchester

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Everyone at Beacon Hills High was abuzz with chatter as the shiny black car roared into the carpark. Derek had pulled you away from Peter to go and see the car and you realised that nearly every girl in your years was gathered around, although none of them were looking at the car.

"Hi, I'm Dean." The boy who'd driven the car muttered to someone in the crowd.

"Don't see what's so impressive about the car." Peter sighed loudly and Dean turned to shoot the oldest Hale a horrified look.

"Peter!" you hissed and elbowed him in the ribs.

"What, it's just a car." He grumbled and tried to tug you off but you pulled away and followed Derek who was talking to the other new kid.

"We travel a lot..." The boy trailed off when you hovered behind Derek who didn't bother to acknowledge you. "Is that your sister?"

"Oh no (Y/N)'s a friend of my uncles... well sort off, he follows her around and she pretends he's not there." Derek sighed.

"Doesn't sound like you're friends." Dean muttered as he came to stand next to you and flashed you a smirk. "Come on Sammy don't want you to be late again."

"Hey you're probably in my class... or some of them anyway!" Derek was suddenly excited and forgot his own strength as he yanked you through the crowd with Sam hot on your heels.

"You missed my lacrosse game." Peter muttered as walked into the living room and found you watching TV with Derek and Laura, eating snacks Talia had set out for you.

"Dean offered us a ride home and Derek wanted to show Sam around... besides it wasn't a big game." You shrugged.

"Yeah guess not." Peter snapped and sat in one of the arm chairs and proceeded to glare at you until you decided to go home.

"Peter I can't give (Y/N) a lift back, do you mind?" Talia called and Peter nodded, waiting for you to grab your coat.

"I don't see why you're mad it's just practise." You huffed and Peter slowly advanced on you until you had to crane your neck to look at him.

"You realise that he's a Winchester right, that their dad is here to hunt one of us." Peter's eyes flickered and he started to growl. After a few minutes, he snapped out of it and stormed off, glancing to check you were following as he headed out to the beat-up car he shared with Laura.

"Not everyone you don't like is a hunter, besides he likes me and Sam likes Derek, plus he's nicer than you." you sighed and glared out of the window, hopping out of the car before it had fully stopped. "Also, we won't need ride home tomorrow, Dean's take me and Derek to go bowling with him and Sam."

You turned on your heels, wanting to turn back and look at the furious werewolf but you couldn't give him the satisfaction. Instead you stomped into the house, laughing to yourself when the Hale wolf growled loudly.

"So, do you like (Y/N)?" Sam asked Dean as he locked up the car and followed after his little brother.

"I guess so, she's cute." Dean shrugged as he thought about it.

"I like Derek, he's pretty cool... if we stay long enough we might get onto the basketball team together." Sam grinned at the thought and Dean laughed.

"Finally found something you like more than books?" He teased and Sam rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Dean, at least I didn't get so nervous I didn't ask (Y/N) for a kiss." Sam grinned when Dean gently shoved into him.

"Yeah well if I really wanted to I'd have her with me in the back of Baby." Dean muttered and both Winchesters jumped when Peter Hale came out of nowhere and dived for Dean.

"Peter!" Derek yelled and tried to pull Peter away only to have to leap back when Dean rolled the two of them and landed a punch.

"Dean please don't!" Sam begged as people started to gather around them.

"We should go and get (Y/N) she'll get Peter to stop." Derek sighed.

"(Y/N) .... (Y/N) ... We need help!" Derek yelled as he hurtled towards you and slammed into an irritated Laura who rolled her eyes and went to see what Cora was doing.

"What's happened now?" You sighed and frowned at Sam as he doubled over to catch his breath.

"Peter's fighting Dean." Sam gasped and you swore loudly.

They hurried after you as you stormed out to the front of the school, beckoning Laura over so she could help you tug Peter off Dean long enough for them to both get to their feet.

"What were you thinking Peter you could have shifted!" Laura hissed and slipped the back of Peter's head.

"I'm really sorry." You mumbled to Dean who shrugged despite the bruises and what was probably a sprained hand.

"I've had worse." He said and flashed you a smirk. "I should go... he looks pissed." Dean glanced at the glowering werewolf and motioned for Sam to get back in the car with him.

"You're an idiot Peter!" You snapped and he rolled his eyes.

"Getting rid of a threat seems pretty smart to me." Peter growled and shrugged Laura off him.

"Well... you're an ass." You huffed and stormed off.

"She has a point, you are an ass." Cora offered and Peter scowled at her.

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