You don't want me

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You blushed when Peter walked in and started staring at Stiles fingers as he fiddled with something in his hands. Peter of course noticed your reaction to his presence, the side glances or the way you would blush and smell flustered if he ever got to close.

You didn't pay attention to anyone or anything said during the entire pack meeting. Peter was stood a few steps away from you and you had put all of your effort and attention into keeping your eyes fixed firmly on anything but him.

"(Y/N)." Peter grunted as everyone filled out and you tried to catch up with Lydia and quiz her on what was going on.

"Y...Yes?" You hummed back nervously, looking up at the older wolf with wide eyes and a slight blush to your face.

"Are you alright you seem distracted?" He asked carefully and nodded when you nodded vigorously but found you seemed to have forgotten how to form words. "You know i'm not the best person to get close to (Y/N), sometimes wolves, we're possessive and toxic. You don't want to be with someone like me."

"I..." You started but Stiles shuffled back in and glared at Peter as he grabbed your arm, his scornful look staying fixed on Peter as he tugged you out of the room.


It took everything in Peter not to lure you over to sit with him while he read. You'd tried again and again to get him to at least be friends with you and while, he may admit to trailing after you when he thought you might be in danger, he would not admit to being your friend or even to his wolf humming when ever you were in his presence.

"Guys seriously you promised we could do something fun!" You complained and rolled your eyes when the group muttered different excuses to you. "Cleaning out Derek's weird lockup with supernatural junk and old books is not fun, it's hard labour and as a human I object to Derek, the super strong Alpha making me work."

This had Peter cuckling and when he looked up at you his breath hitched in his throat and his book fell from his hands. You moaned as the group all started to leave the loft and head to their cars to go and help Derek, leaving you dawdling behind.

"You know." Peter said, making you jump when his hand caught your wrist. "Some of us ordinary werewolves are just as strong as Alphas." His voice became graveled as he leant in and nudged his nose against your neck, inhaling your scent and seemed to make a noise somewhere between a hum and a rumbling growl.

"I should catch up with the others." You muttered despite leaning into him.

"What am I going to do with you, I warned you that I was possessive... you should have listened." He muttered as he tried to decide if he should pull away or not. "I guess you're mine now." He sighed and hummed softly when you let him kiss your neck.

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